Sebae sick??


New Member
I have a Sebae anemone. Had to clowns that came with it, but someone had ich. Anyway, I have no fish now, just inverts. And my anemone was looking great untl this morning. Kinda has some chunks of greenish stuff on it. sliminess around it. Any ideas? Hard to find any info on anemones. PLease let me know. thanks.


New Member
I tested my tank.
Nitrates 5
Nitrites 0
Ammonia .25
pH 8.2-8.4
Also, I can't get my protein skimmer to work right. All it does is fill my tank with millions of tiny bubbles. I don't know if I just don't need it yet or what. Also I have a blooming of brownish-red algae in my tank. I thought it was a good thing, but I read some posts that maybe not. Thanks.


Sounds like Cyrno alge break out, You can cut back on lighting ( length of time they on) or dose it with some red alge killer! Becareful, you do not want to hurt your tank, there is a thread here can't really find anything on it, do a search, you should find some info! I know nothing about the Seabee


The browninsh red algae is most likely cyano, but don't kill it with chemicals, find out why it's there and eliminate the culprit. Ammonia and nitrates would be the first thing I'd work on fixing.
As far as your protein skimmer, you may have a brand that does not work so well. For example seaclone, some people love it and others say it does not work at all for them.
As far as your sebae, I could ask you a million questions such as your lighting, your water flow, your feeding schedule, but in the end I will not know the answer... But I'll tell you who does. The folks in the "clownfish and anemones" forum!! Be prepared to answer those questions and post a pic if you have it.