New Member
I bought this sebae anenome yesterday at my lfs. I put him in my 12g aquapod, here are my parameters
sand substrate
13lbs lr
sal: 1.025
ph: 8.2 - 8.3
ammonia: 0
nitrite: 0
nitrate: 10
phosphate: 0
KH: 161ppm
calcium 440 ppm
in this tank besides the lr I have curlyQ anemone and 2 captive raised O clowns. (I had a hermit crab in there but moved him to my refug on my 100g tank a week ago, was getting mean) The sebae sems to be tearing in spots. I could not imagine this would be it splitting. She has been listless most of the day, I did a 2 gal water change and she has perked up a little, but I know how quickly they can die, I just had a bta die in my 100g 3 days ago, was fine then 4 hours laer was disintegrating (what a mess) Here are some pics, can anyone help.
sand substrate
13lbs lr
sal: 1.025
ph: 8.2 - 8.3
ammonia: 0
nitrite: 0
nitrate: 10
phosphate: 0
KH: 161ppm
calcium 440 ppm
in this tank besides the lr I have curlyQ anemone and 2 captive raised O clowns. (I had a hermit crab in there but moved him to my refug on my 100g tank a week ago, was getting mean) The sebae sems to be tearing in spots. I could not imagine this would be it splitting. She has been listless most of the day, I did a 2 gal water change and she has perked up a little, but I know how quickly they can die, I just had a bta die in my 100g 3 days ago, was fine then 4 hours laer was disintegrating (what a mess) Here are some pics, can anyone help.