

I got a sebae anemone the other day and it isnt staying quite where i want it to. I placed in a spot where it wouldnt be touching anything but it has moved about an inch to the side and is now touching a zoo.
1. Will the zoo sting it or will it sting the zoo?
2. I tried to move it back to where i had it but it is stuck to the rock and didnt want to let go, is there any way i can get it to let up so i can move it?


Active Member
Let it stay where it wants to be. If it is sticking that is a good sign because it looks very bleached and need to regain it's zooxanthellae and get some brownish color to it. If it's getting stung it will move itself to a better area. I definately wouldn't risk injuring it anymore than it already is by trying to get it loose. hope this helps.


mmm i don't think it is bleached my sabae is the same color and has been healthy and growing for a few months now (it is white but it doesn't have purple tips unfortunetly)
I could be wrong though but it is just my experience


Active Member
Many Sebaes are white when they are purchased from LFS due to shipping stress and poor LFS conditions. Healthy Sebaes in the wild are brown or yellow. The anemone is white because it has expelled all of it's zooxanthelle. An anemone (not just Sebaes but all anemone species) can take up to 3 months to regain it's zooxanthelle (internal algae that gives it it's color) even when introduced back into optimal conditions.


yea well i just looked at my anemone again to see if it was that white.....and it is sort of brown but fairly white


so wait, how does it survive then? will it benifit from DT's at all? i tried to feed it a piece of mysis tonight but it didnt eat it


Active Member
It may take a while for it to accept food but, meaty pieces are what it needs. They will pick up meaty foods that float by. I'd worry more about the lighting and letting it acclimate for a while first. The good news is that it has placed it's foot and is sticking. Broomer5 is probably going to start charging me for using this pic but, this is what a healthy sebae looks like...


Active Member
LOL Wrassecal

I agree with you 100% - lighting and feeding seems to be the key - at least it was for me.
Here's what that same anemone looked like when I purchased it.
btw Wrassecal, I miss my 6-line ..... it went MIA several months ago


Active Member
Oh no! Mine is 2 years old now. I'd cry for days if I lost him. I've never gotten a really good pic. You do know if you start charging me for using your sebae pic I'm going to pay you in oolitic sand:yes: