Section 8 Housing


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The latter. All you need to do is look at the areas where all the former New Orleans/Louisiana residents moved to. I think Houston is one of the leading examples?


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I'll plus one to that, the crime in houston has skyrocketed since Katrina. And housing prices (especially in apartments have increased significantly) To price out katrina residents.
It creates a whole host of housing problems. Things that are priced to reflect what the apartment is really worth, are full and higher crime areas. Places like where I live are full and significantly overpriced. But I'll pay it, just to not have the crime I see in other complexes. A little different than what you are talking about but it has similar results.
But you know what is funny. Gentrification...


Active Member
I lived in a complex where there was section 8 housing.... it was a mess. a huge mess. and dangerous. the apartments were GORGEOUS, but there were 4 dru.g dealers within a 2building radius (that we KNEW of), and pple were always trying to sell us stolen goods out of their cars at night.
We stayed 'till the lease was up and got the freak out.


Active Member
i think its sad that people say they want to get out of the ghetto and use section 8 as a means to then drag the ghetto lifestyle right along with them


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I don't think being on government assistance entitles you to live in a nice area.
The town where I used to live was debating where to build a low income housing project. The moron advocates for something or another justice complained because they were talking about building the housing in a central part of town that just happened on the bus line and near a couple stores. They wanted the housing to be built on the river front because they didn't think it was right to stick the poor people in the congested area of town. We are talking Montana, the worst part of town is a Paradise compared to the low rent district in LA or other big cities and this wasn't even a bad area.
I love how in the article they complained because 70% of the people targeted because of criminal activity were black. Perhaps if the blacks weren't committing 70% of the crimes it wouldn't have been necessary. It would have been interesting to know what percentage of the residents of the low income housing happened to be black.


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Seems all too often threads pop up that I censor myself before getting banned.
Secton 8 is offensive and insulting to me.


Active Member
I think section 8 is one of those things that sounds great in theory and on paper that sucks when played out. Kind of like communism!!
My townhouse community ( I live in) had no bylaws forbidding section 8 so a few owners leased out to them. It was great. We had the cops there weekly sometimes more. Forensics was out once. Lovely.
Although I know there are those who truly do utilize section 8 as it was meant to be and are good people, there are far too many scumbags milking and abusing the system as well as causing degradation to the communities that support it.


Yeah section 8 is pretty great. I am so happy to have the scumbags in my neighborhood. It really burns me up. The yards are unkempt, sidewalks never shoveled garbage out in front that nobody would bother to pick up. Why would they? It is not there problem, right? The greatest was the guy at cub trying to sell me food stamps, .50 on the dollar. Pure scum.


Active Member
they stated building sec 8 appts down the street from our last house.
a bunch of us in the neighborhood went to the city council meeting and complained.
our homes were in the $200,000 range
our council rep said she has sec 8 in her neighborhood and has no problems
so i stood up and said well then you wouldnt mind a few more we dont want it.
it didnt matter they build them anyway.actually nice appts.
we moved out just before they opened so i dont know how it affected the old neighbors.
i know just about all the ones we knew moved for various reasons.
we also complained about building more streets for the traffic
they said they can only build for what they know is going to happen and no funds.
bs it takes 2-3 years for a developer to start a new neighborhood and the population doubled when i was there so the tax income did also.
polititions are scumbags.


Active Member
Originally Posted by deejeff442
they stated building sec 8 appts down the street from our last house.
a bunch of us in the neighborhood went to the city council meeting and complained.
our homes were in the $200,000 range
our council rep said she has sec 8 in her neighborhood and has no problems
so i stood up and said well then you wouldnt mind a few more we dont want it.
it didnt matter they build them anyway.actually nice appts.
we moved out just before they opened so i dont know how it affected the old neighbors.
i know just about all the ones we knew moved for various reasons.
we also complained about building more streets for the traffic
they said they can only build for what they know is going to happen and no funds.
bs it takes 2-3 years for a developer to start a new neighborhood and the population doubled when i was there so the tax income did also.
polititions are scumbags.
Fort Worth is a joke, the city counsel will annex all this stuff to increase property taxes. Then not provide city any city services for years, since these unincorporated neighborhoods already had their own water systems.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jennythebugg
i think its sad that people say they want to get out of the ghetto and use section 8 as a means to then drag the ghetto lifestyle right along with them
so. frikkin. true.


Active Member
can I get section 8 housing so I can live in a gated community in a 30room mansion in in Los Angeles?
oooh, or Aspen, Aspen would be a nice place to live too.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Mimzy
can I get section 8 housing so I can live in a gated community in a 30room mansion in in Los Angeles?
oooh, or Aspen, Aspen would be a nice place to live too.

you laugh but in the news a few months ago, they had this "sob" story about a single mom in England, who had a bunch of kids. Due to the prices of housing and the # of kids and the math they used to determine the welfare, was getting a million dollar house paid for by the government.


Active Member
I recently inherited some Sec 8 apartments from my dad. I hate to say it, but those people live like animals. They do not respect the property at all. They live like pigs. I'll post some pics next time I get to the office.


well let me jump in too!!!!!!!!!! i agree as someone said above in paper it's a great thing; give someone tring or who has been sick or out of work a place to live; i support that, but they use it out of text when living it. i do construction/ home improvment for a living. I love to go into these peoples houses who are as nice as mine there car is as nice or nicer than mine and they have the same big screen in the living room as i do or maybe they have a newer big flat screen. They have been a section 8 for years and make it a living to pay "under the table" so they can keep there maitanace free house and have money for all there goodies. i does bother me pretty bad when i go into these homes and have to be nice as to do the work i'm there for while they get to stay at home and go where they please; i work my butt off all day and have the same life as they do minus the cost; and to have to send the bill for the job i do to the landlord....hummmmm.
I feel a better way would be like they do if you get money from these pay advance places....after three times you can't get an advance for a period of time. it make people stay independant!!!


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I live in a "mixed ethnic working class neighborhood" and the few Section 8 houses on my street were nothing but trouble, with a Capital T! Police, Fire, Ems out at least once a week and that is not an exaggeration. People pulling up in front of the house at all hours of the day and night for a couple of minutes, engine running, then they drive off only to return the next night. Hmmm...I wonder what was going on? I am pretty sure that there are some other Section 8 houses in my hood that I don't know about because the tenants are law abiding, responsible, citizens. It's the low life ghetto types, and I don't know any other way to put it, that make it a living heck for the rest of us working class folks. Gee, I wish somebody would let me stay in a decent house for a couple of hundred bucks a month and not have to work for a living. But, actually, I have just a little pride and could never live off of someone elses work just because I am too lazy and shiftless to make my own way in the world. I know that not all Section 8 recipients are like that, but some of them sure are and it makes me sick that my hard earned tax dollars are being thrown that way.


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I was completely wrong about the low income housing idea. I was at town meetings along with a couple other owners not wanting to deal with this problem. A lot of us were under the idea that low income affordable housing is section 8 housing dressed up to sound better. Turns out its not. Section 8 housing and affordable housing is totally different. After the town turned around and past it anyway and allowed the development to go ahead I pretty much thought my pool and BBQ days were over since their back yard was going to be butted up to mine. It turns out they call the cops on the house three down from me cause their kids are in the back yard blasting music.
But if I had to deal with this nonsense of loud cars and dr*ugs, oh no no no no. I would have the mayor and city counsel on speed dial.


Active Member
Just another New Deal program that shouldve ended after WW2. Ironically Section 8 was created to specifically address the 30's version of our current housing crisis, but doesn't seem to even make a dent where its needed.