Security Issues with forums!!!


Active Member
I gave a link to my girlfriend of a thread I was reading in the forums. She hit the "reply" button on the page that loaded and she was able to post using my screen name!!!
I know its no big deal since it was my girlfriend, but this can be potentially devastating if used by the wrong people. Make sure you SIGN OUT before providing any links to threads by highlighting the address in your web browser!!
Mods....this really needs to be looked into! :help: :help: :help:


Staff member
Was she on your computer? Or a computer where you access


Active Member
yes, if she was using a computer that you have gone on to SWF, it logged your cookies and probably "saved" your password. It freaked me out the first time it happened to me on our 2nd computer in the house.....but its all good. (usually


Active Member
She was on her computer at my house and I was on my computer at my house.
I wanted her to see the thread that I was reading, so I highlighted and copied the adress from the top of the browser and pasted it into a chat window we had open. She clicked the link and read the thread. She then noticed that it said "welcome, mudplayerx" and was actually able to post using my account, thus completely bypassing all security measures.
I hope this makes sense. Like I said, no big deal since its my gf, but make sure you LOG OUT before providing links to threads for people you don't know well.
It is important that you guys realize that we were on two completely different computers that were linked only via a MSN chat. I consider this a enormous breach of security!! :help:


Active Member
Well isn't "that" romantic....
Sitting in the same house, probably the same room and "chatting" with each other on your computers....



Active Member
I still say she or you have logged on from HER computer and checked "remember my password" or something to that fact.............


Active Member
Originally Posted by Squidd
Well isn't "that" romantic....
Sitting in the same house, probably the same room and "chatting" with each other on your computers....



Staff member
Originally Posted by Squidd
Well isn't "that" romantic....
Sitting in the same house, probably the same room and "chatting" with each other on your computers....

You know a coworker invited me over for dinner. I was very surprised to see a Mr. and Mrs computer station. Side by side pcs, sharing the same desk area, one for Mr., the other for Mrs.!
Now what's up with that?


Active Member

pardon my weirdness. since it's getting worse by the minute according to somebody.


Active Member
Come to think of it, I may have logged into swf on my gf's computer in the past, thus making this entire thread quite embarassing on my part.
BTW snailheave, my gf doesn't mind my pr0n, believe it or not. She's pretty damn cool like that.


whats wrong with his and her PCs? The wife has a desktop and I have a laptop.. and sadly enough we have been known to talk over instant messanger while both in the house..