See Some Real Fish!!!!!!


Active Member

Originally posted by TeamDrty
The tank is 72"L X 48"H X 24"D

When I plug those dimensions into the tank volume formula (LxWxH)/231, I get 359 gallons. WOW!!!
Is the 48" height difficult to work with at all?


You got a big family out there!:D Are you going to upgrade to a bigger tank? Once your fishes reach maturity, you'll need something humongous to hold them all. Love your triggers and Tesslata....and pity on yellow tang....


Active Member

Originally posted by pufferman
You got a big family out there!:D Are you going to upgrade to a bigger tank? Once your fishes reach maturity, you'll need something humongous to hold them all. Love your triggers and Tesslata....and pity on yellow tang....

LOL, dont mean to sound harsh, but, ARE U INSANE?!?! I could take a bath in that thing, and sink all the way in, and have room to move around. It is HUGE! I mean, so the fsih will get larger, but you really think that they will outgrow that monster? It IS possible i suppose, but still, to me, looking at it, it dont seem likely.:joy:


Active Member

Originally posted by RobChuck
When I plug those dimensions into the tank volume formula (LxWxH)/231, I get 359 gallons. WOW!!!
Is the 48" height difficult to work with at all?

i get 359 gallons too


Active Member

Originally posted by Chandler04
LOL, dont mean to sound harsh, but, ARE U INSANE?!?! I could take a bath in that thing, and sink all the way in, and have room to move around. It is HUGE! I mean, so the fsih will get larger, but you really think that they will outgrow that monster? It IS possible i suppose, but still, to me, looking at it, it dont seem likely.:joy:

i agreepeople keep triggers in like a 125 for a long time, and they turn out fine and that's 359 gallons, that is a good sized tank! for almost anything


Oops! I didn't know the tank is 359g. Then it's a totally different story. Your fishes will be very happy in the tank of that size. :) The reason I asked you if you're going to get a bigger tank is because of Tesselata. Not only does it get really big, but they are quite aggressive. I was worried he might terrorize other fishes (even triggers) in a confined space.


Beautiful tank!!
What I want to know is........What's it like to put your hand in there?? Do you need a spotter to keep an eye out?:D