john suh
So was perusing my local Craigslist the other day for live rock and came upon an ad for a 24 gallon nano cube with stand, came with Heater, aftermarket marineland 17inch LED light and filter. All for FIFTY BUCKS< lol. When I contacted seller he said he had a slew of responses, no surprise. I told him I would up the offer to 100 bucks buyout if he let me come and grab it same day. He obliged so now I have 2 tanks. Filled it with cycled tank water from my primary tank when I did water change.
The purple gunk on back looks to be coralline algae?...Do I just scrape some of this stuff off and swirl it into my primary tank to seed?
Was filled yesterday, still need to clean the front and getting 20 pounds of live rock later today... didn't really need 2 tanks but have always wanted a cube and couldn't let this deal pass. Haven't decided what to do with it yet,if my clowns pair up and get overly aggressive in my primary community tank will probably use it as a breeder.
The purple gunk on back looks to be coralline algae?...Do I just scrape some of this stuff off and swirl it into my primary tank to seed?
Was filled yesterday, still need to clean the front and getting 20 pounds of live rock later today... didn't really need 2 tanks but have always wanted a cube and couldn't let this deal pass. Haven't decided what to do with it yet,if my clowns pair up and get overly aggressive in my primary community tank will probably use it as a breeder.
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