seeding sand bed?


New Member
I've put 40lbs of Natures Ocean bio-active live aragonite in my 40 breeder set-up and was wondering , insteaded of seeding with live sand to get the worms and pods etc, is there another way to do this? I thought I've read somewhere there is a fauna package available? is this right or is it called something else? Another question will these pods ,worms and other living things survive the cycle of my new set-up or do you add them after the cycle is complete? thanks!


Active Member
You can buy them if you wish and no most won't survive a cycle, they go in after. I think it's OK to tell you, as they don't directly compete with and both sell them.


Active Member
Live rock will have some on it.
Get some sand from a friend or your LFS, it will seed yours and seed up the process some.
I never bought live sand or a fauna package.
After you cycle just buy pieces of rock from different places and you will have diversification.
Some stores will give you the grunge from the bottom of their tank, loads of stuff in that.
Good luck.


Agreed...this is the best way. Find a store or a friend that will give you a baseball sized amount of sand from their established tank. This will speed up the process of seeding your sand tremendously.