SEIO pic


Active Member
i have a couple of seios there ok i think there to big and bulky whats funny i have use a few walmart regent pumps with 270 gph and never had to take them out as far as lack of flow and the pumps are only 18.99 a pump somthing to think about:D


Here's something else to think about. The regent pumps pump water out in a single line therefore it feels like they have a lot more flow than the seios when you compare them with your hand but the seios have a widespread flow which is what you want hitting your corals, not 270 gph dead on flow.


But, with the Regents, you can pay less and just get a part that you can stick on the tube and it makes the flow wider!!!


OK you pay just over half as much as the seio 620 costs and get under half the flow plus you have to buy an attachment to make the flow wider.


Active Member
I have taken apart both and dont see much diffrents beside the head but take the head off they do the same as far as gph i think seio is wrong on what it says as far as flow rate...


Active Member
all iam saying it gets old having to take your pump out and fix it..The regent pump i havnt had to take it out to fix it you know like when you get all the nice stuff growing on your pumps and then bang they stop working so you have to take them out and fix them and then you loose all the nice stuff growing on them..


I dont loose the stuff growing on my pumps unless I really scrub at it. I have coraline that grows and red dot stuff and it makes the powerheads blend in great but doesn't come off unlless I make a point to get it off. -Greg

tony detroit

Active Member
Seio's are a good deal for the money, but what makes the difference in a tank is the random flow, not continous flow.
You still can't beat two tunze's on a multicontroller pulsing on and off. You will pay more for them though.


Tony, I AGREE, wavemakers are the way to go !!!! I LOVE THEM, I am wanting a Red Sea wavemaker.. the one of this site, I want pulsing flow of every 5 seconds... this way it looks natural, know what I mean?


i have bubbles also caused by the seios m620 i have ...
I found out what it was ... they create somehow a typhoon because they were to close from the surface ... i have to bring mine down below the surface and didn't have any problem.