Select my new addition.


Here is my setup: 55 gal display, 35 gal sump, 2 t8 acintic, 2 t8 sunglo, 70 lbs live rock, spaghetti coral, a few zoo colonies, slipper coral, sebea anemone, pulsing zenia, 25 blue leg hermits, 25 astrea snails, thousands of copepods/amphipods, 1 false perc, 1 lawnmower blenny, 1 cbs. My params are" ammonia 0, nitrite 0, nitrate 0, ph 8.2-8.4, kh 12, calcium 450.
My question is this: What would be a few good last additions as far as fish goes? Everyones suggestions are appreciated.
I was thinking of maybe adding a jawfish but I've read there may be problems with jawfish and blennies together?


Active Member
another false perc for sure, just make sure the new one is smaller than the one u already have, they do better in pairs :p and possibly a sandsifter goby, they're pretty neat, and then finally, get u a dwarf angel, but, they do tend to pick at corals, so u gotta be careful with them


Originally Posted by mboswell1982
another false perc for sure, just make sure the new one is smaller than the one u already have, they do better in pairs :p and possibly a sandsifter goby, they're pretty neat, and then finally, get u a dwarf angel, but, they do tend to pick at corals, so u gotta be careful with them
Thats funny, I have bought 2 percs on different occasions. They never last more than a few days... I know my large female isnt picking on them either. Always acclimated them slowly.
A dwarf angel, like a flame angel? Those are cool.


Active Member
everyone does a dwarf flame :p i prefer the pygmy cherubs personally, but, there are quite a few that will do very well in that size tank, just check em out, but make sure they are dwarfs :p


Originally Posted by mboswell1982
everyone does a dwarf flame :p i prefer the pygmy cherubs personally, but, there are quite a few that will do very well in that size tank, just check em out, but make sure they are dwarfs :p
Roger that, I'm not going to put anything in my system that will suffer from not having enough space!


Active Member
hmmmm, and where are you getting your clowns from? it might be a problem with where your getting them from, you might need to change lfs's or order them online :p


Originally Posted by mboswell1982
everyone does a dwarf flame :p i prefer the pygmy cherubs personally, but, there are quite a few that will do very well in that size tank, just check em out, but make sure they are dwarfs :p
Are all the cherub angels pygmies? I have been looking at them and I think thats what I'm going to get.... They have great color and they are affordable. Thanks for the recommendation!


Active Member
The coral banded shrimp could be picking off the new clowns... Is your current clown small or large? if its still small, you could always throw in a much larger one of the same species..
Do not get a cherub pygmy angel, it will probably kill your clown and lawnmower blenny, they're VERY aggressive. It may even kill your shrimp.
I would ditch the CBS personally... and get you some skunk cleaner or fire shrimp.
If you want a nice dwarf angel get a small bicolor or coral beauty... they're not near as aggressive as a cherub and still look very nice (especially the bicolor)... there is also a multicolor dwarf which looks really cool, but its more money lol. You could probably do a jawfish if your sandbed is deep enough and there's plenty of rubble for it to build a burrow..
a yellow wrasse would also be cool, but it may pick on the hermit crabs...and CBS...


My current clown is huge.... See found out there was copepods on the tank walls and no longer eats formula 1 just hunts pods endlessly. I heard coral beautys are hard to get to eat?