selling 440 watts of vho


I just bought this setup about 4 months ago when i was getting into the reef thing. then i got the bright idea in my head that i dont like reef anymore so i dont need the lighting anymore so im selling it. The ballest i a electronice oro ballest that handles 440 watts of vho IF anyone wats it make a offer. The setup looks brand new. The 4 bulbs are 2 actinic, 1 50/50 and 1 10K bulb. I love the color but it produces to much algae for a agressive tank with no clean up crew.


48" and you tell me the price and i will tell yo u if thats good or not. I will sell hem at a good price cause i dont need them.


is it all ready to be plugged in and used, bulbs and all? I'll gove you 150, how much for shipping to 13335