Selling 75gal AGA(canopy and stand)


New Member
Selling 75gal. AGA, stand, canopy, hang on filter(wet/dry) 60lbs crush coral, and 6 inch coris wrasse, and 8 inch lunar wrasse. All for 450.00 obo. Does have florescent light, and sea clone 150 skimmer. AGA is flawless, no scratches. ALL REASONABLE OFFERS, CONSIDERED. Thanks


I wish I could offer more but I am intrested. I would have to rent a truck to get that far :notsure: If you dont get any good offers I can come up with a couple hundred.


what part of north carolina are you located i would like the live rock and the fish what are price for the live rock i would like to pick up please email me at BAMACK2@AOL.COM


New Member
Tanks is not sold yet and i have acquired more live rock. Tank is still for sell. Lunar wrasse, coris wrasse and snowflake eel all going with set up. 450.00, is all it takes. great tank for the price. (Lr is 40lbs, tonga branch)