Selling my car, what to buy?


Ok, check this out, in the next couple of days, I am selling my 89 iroc-z for 2 grand, i have alloted myself 750 of that 2000 to spend on fish stuff (not in one day of course, over the course of a year or so)
Heres my tank
20 high, penguin emperor 170 HOB filter, 20 lbs of live rock, 30 lbs of aragonite sand (seeded), flourescent lights
live stock:
bicolor pseudochromis
lawn mower blennie
5 nassarius snails
10 hermits
What would you do to this tank if you had $750 to spend?
I need help deciding what to do.. I've been thinking a bakpack skimmer, more live rock and PC lighting, but I am open to ANY suggestions, please help!


I would go with a BIGGER a used 100 gallon.
OR, with that $750, you could pimp put your tank so much..chiller,metal halide, all that good stuff...:D


Active Member
EG has a good suggestion. If you look around in your local area used fish equipement goes for cheap, usually less than half the cost of new. I have seen many a full reef setup 100 gal go for 500-800 bucks and when u read the specs they are damn good systems. Try local boards, they are a great source!!! I won't be buying anything retail anymore. Im not sure where your located but if your in the bay area pm me there are some great local resources.


Yeah, sorry I'm in Oklahoma.. hey Eg_hatch, are you Japanese? I noticed the imperial flag there, my wife is Japanese, and we go there a couple of times per year...
But, I would really rather pimp out my 20 high for now, maybe set up like a 5 gallon, or a 29 gallon...
I want a tank for my bedroom, and one for my desktop. I have the perfect spot between my monitor and my stereo for a 5 gallon minibow!
Yeah, 100 gallons would be totally sweet, but I live in an apartment... so thats not really an option. Too much could go wrong!
But anyway, how about livestock suggestions and lighting suggestions, i really want to go reef instead of fowlr


skimmer and lights definitely. it's nice having your own water filter, as well. stock up on salt and test kits. a coral reference book and an invertebrate reference book and you'll be about broke. don't skimp.



Originally posted by diddley
skimmer and lights definitely. it's nice having your own water filter, as well. stock up on salt and test kits. a coral reference book and an invertebrate reference book and you'll be about broke. don't skimp.



Active Member
I upgrade to a 29g and get a canopy with some vho's and a 250 watt hqi. and some sps. Also check out your thread in the classified section I replied to it because I got a cpr bak pak that would sell.