Selling two 24g Aquapods with MH Sunpod fixtures


Active Member
I'm upgrading and combining my two aquapods into a new 72 bowfront. One of them is ready today and the other in a a couple of days. They are both in good shape, a little less than a year old. They both are basiclly the standard 24 gallon aquapod with the 150w metal halide sunpod fixture with also contains 6 white leds and 6 blue leds. One of them is on a stand and the other we just kep on a dresser. I've kept, fragged, and grown sps, lps, rics, zoos, you name it in these. I'm located in Greenville, SC and I'd be willing to drive maybe an hour towards you if that would help, so Atlanta, Knoxville, Charlotte, Ashville, Columbia should all be reasonable drives for you. $250 each
Here is a full tank shot of one of them. None of the livestock, sand, or rock is included.

I also have a listing for a bunch of my frags that you may be interested in:


Active Member
I'd be willing to ship the sunpods, but I don't know if you'll like the price. The light fixture is pretty much all of the value, so $225 each.