Semi-O.T--- How'd you get on this site?


Active Member
I got on this site when i was just typing in websites, and I knew about which no longer exists. I then typed in and for abotu a year, i didnt join the forum, just looking at all of the cirtters, and soon enough i ordered my first package. then about 6 montsh later boom.


Active Member
I found this place while searching for sites to identify a fish disease. I still never found anything that resembled what my fish had...BUT, I did find a wealth of knowledge here. :)


Active Member
I actually searched for saltwater fish on google and came up with this sites detailed "how to" page. It was there a long time ago on how to set up a reef tank. Went into great deatil. It was actually quite informative, dont know why they got rid of it.

bang guy

Someone sent me a link to a thread about a giant Red Sponge that was growing out of the tank. It was the funniest thing I've EVER read... ever. From there, the people seemed nice and I started answering questions about sand bed infauna (I'm a bug person, not really a fish person).


Active Member
Oh man that thread was hilarious. Yall should do a search for giant sponge. The thread is just so stupid its funny!


Active Member
I found this board because my husband was already a posting member and he encouraged me to check it out. Now I'm as addicted to this board and to our tanks as he is... :D


Active Member
ok, yeah... that was funny, good thing he got banned though.. god he got on my nerves.. w/ the stupid comments


Active Member
I found this by accident, well sort of. I just typed in SW to find info on a fish I bought when I first started. I bet, if I tried it again, I wouldn't find this site. Anyways great site and my staple now.
I also found this site when searching for fish diseases. Maybe it will help you figure out what may of happened.
**I dont think this site goes against the rules, if so delete.***


I have no memory as to how I got onto this site, I remember a scruffy looking fella in a ball cap and sporting tattoos shoving me into a van. I remember a female's voice talking, sometimes soothingly other times with authority, she seemed to be the one in charge. I think I saw a glimps of a dream catcher haning from a rear veiw mirror. Many times there was a blinding light right in front of my eyes as my as I struggled against my kidnappers, as though someone were photographing the entire event. The last thing I remember was someone who smelled like imported beer saying that "the implant was in place". Its as though I have always been a shark, born that way, there were no previous sites only this one, resistance is futile.
Honestly I think I must have seen a link to this site on another board, clicked on it and have been at home ever since.
Ever have one of those nights with a cold and you can't sleep because you are choughing every 5 minutes.


Active Member
I found this site while searching for salt water fish. I was either looking for online vendors or for information or something.:confused: Anyway, life haven't been the same after that and I find myself drawn to this site like a bee to honey.:)