Semi-O.T--- How'd you get on this site?


Active Member
i agree its been soooo long ago! im sure it was because i was searching yahoo or something, however i found this board and "the " other board, and the people here are just soo much freindlier here, so i stayed!
good luck

Originally posted by Bang Guy
Someone sent me a link to a thread about a giant Red Sponge that was growing out of the tank. It was the funniest thing I've EVER read... ever. From there, the people seemed nice and I started answering questions about sand bed infauna (I'm a bug person, not really a fish person).

That was the single funniest thread I have EVER read on any forum!! I think one probably had to read it as it evolved...not try to read it now. I think most of the associated pictures have gone by the wayside now which is a real shame. The pics you guys came up with were outragously hysterical! There is a lot of talent on this site! The online personality of the infamous "Mr. Bubbles" will live on in our haerts forever!!

Originally posted by Bang Guy
Sometimes people mature and become model citizens... well... productive citizens anyway... ;)

A-men to that!! :D
Productive citizen may well be an understatement...


I was told about it by "tony detroit". I visit a few other saltwater forums, but prefer this one. Theres some great people on this site.
I was looking for a place to get a few fish. I stumbled on to this site and well ... Still here and have ordered three times with never a problem. I was never a message board person till this one, addictive and very informitive. Ohh and the people are not half bad either ;)
-Brian :D


I started talking to another customer at my LFS and he told me about the message board. I've been here ever since.