Serious ammonia problem


New Member
I really need some advice. About a week ago, i had a small ammonia spike. I did what i always do, and did a small water change. The next day, water was milky and ammonia through the roof. My fish were in trouble, so i moved them all to smaller tanks i had set up. I dosed with ammo lock and used some biozyme, just in case i killed some bacteria. Now, ammonia is still off the charts, but testing zero for nitrites. Someone told me that the ammonia is completely bound and it should be safe to put my fish back in, is that true. I know ammo lock gives a false reading. The smaller tanks have too much of a load, and i need the fish out before they crash. Can anyone give me some sound advice.


Originally Posted by lizardking http:///forum/thread/380129/serious-ammonia-problem#post_3307580
I really need some advice. About a week ago, i had a small ammonia spike. I did what i always do, and did a small water change. The next day, water was milky and ammonia through the roof. My fish were in trouble, so i moved them all to smaller tanks i had set up. I dosed with ammo lock and used some biozyme, just in case i killed some bacteria. Now, ammonia is still off the charts, but testing zero for nitrites. Someone told me that the ammonia is completely bound and it should be safe to put my fish back in, is that true. I know ammo lock gives a false reading. The smaller tanks have too much of a load, and i need the fish out before they crash. Can anyone give me some sound advice.
What size tank do you have? Filtration? How old? Did you change anything to cause the spike?


Yeah....are you missing any fish that could be decaying in there?
I'd do a very large water change, and prepare for another
I would NOT put the fish back in a milky tank with ammonia readings.....if the smaller tanks are overloaded, do some more frequent w/c's on them too for now


New Member
The water is clear now, just high ammonia reading. Can't get accurate reading with ammo lock. Tank has been up and running for over a year with no problems. It's a 180g DAS tank, 4- 2ft spools, double skimmers, and plenty of circulation. I haven't changed anything, and can't find anything dead. Had a small goby disappear about a month ago, but think the hermit crab ate him, no trace anywhere.Since the ammonia is bound, with no nitrites, is the water safe now. I left that hermit i n there, and he seeems really happy. Most worried about my shark and stingray. If i killed my bacteria, is it a good idea to do a water change?


You're correct in that many test kits will still detect bound NH3. Your best bet would be to get a NH3 test that doesn't detect bound NH3 (there are a few out there, but my memory is failing me ATM). If you dosed your tank with a non-buffered NH3 binder, I'd test your pH, as these products will often cause a sharp drop in pH.


New Member
It did drop my Ph to about 7.7, but i have since built it back up. Wish i did have a test that would give an accurate reading, might have to check on that. Just getting a bit frustrated. Trying to keep several hundred dollars worth of fish alive, and feel like i'm fighting a losing battle.


Well-Known Member
the seachem ammonia multitest measures total (locked + free) and free ammonia. While it is not very accurate and hard to use if you get 8 ppm total ammonia but only .25 ppm free ammonia that is an indication all the ammonia is locked and you should not add any more ammonia lock.
The ammonia lock will also bind up oxygen and can crash the pH. So the danger is you keep adding the lock because the ammonia still tests high and then suffocate the fish.
I my one big screw up I had ammonia pegging++++ the api test kit but the multi test kit show it was locked up. About a week later I rinsed my filter media (crushed oyster shells) and the ammonia dropped to 0 in 2 days. then the nitrItes and nitrates and finally the nitrates dropped down. Taking about 3-4 weeks total. I suspect I had added a toxin to the shells originally causing the problem.
So you might look for something like that but hopefully give it a week or two and the ammonia will drop down.
my .02