serious ich... please help


So this afternoon, the 2 percs, cream angel, engineer goby and 4 stripe damsel were fine.. now tonight... the perc and the angel expecially are COVERED in ich.. were talking 7 hours later.... they all seem ok, and are eating, I had been feeding with garlic.. havent added anything new (although these fish are only 10 days old) the only thing I have added was one medium piece of coraline coverd LR from a tank at the LFS.. anyway I dont have any corals or anything, just snails and CB Shrimp.. now what Can I do? Tommorow morning first thing I need to go out and buy something.. please help.. Im looking for a medication... not a QT tank or HYPO


Make sure it isnt velvet, but truly ich. There are meds you can buy that are pretty effective, but if it gets bad, it affects the respiration of your fish-There was a post a few days ago about a med that is reef safe. Look around page 18 or 19 or so.
If you can catch your fish, you can do a freshwater dip. It causes the ich cysts to pop-but as I said earlier, make sure it is ich, not velvet. Check your book or a good book on marine fish disease and it will have pictures plus instruction on the freshwater dip.
The water has to be the same temp and ph as your salt, you net your fish, put him in the fresh water for 8-10 minutes-have to watch them for excessive stress, then put fish back into your tank since you dont have a quarantine tank.
Good luck-
Dont forget to do some water changes before and after you treat!


I found the link-it was by Crimzy-and moved it up for you to read. The medication is Chem Marins Stop Parasite. There is other good info onthe post as well which you would probably enjoy reading.


Staff member
The in tank medications are hit and miss in effectiveness.
What type of tank do you have?
Please take a look at the FAQ Thread at the top of the Disease Forum and check the posts on ich and hyposalinity.


I did, 90 gal FOWLR and some macro, i just didnt want to be moving everything around and im running around a lot this week so the hypo and what not just wouldnt work.. anyway I added the Stop parasite.. you werent kidding it was expensive.. and what is it... seems to me just hot sauce...


Ok so I added the stop parasite, now I am noticing that the perc have that stringy stuff hanging from them like feces... this is what happened when my other two died, someone said it was brooknyla (SP?) They didnt have this before I added the Stop parasite... is this something normal their bodies are doing?


Staff member
Originally Posted by IamBailey
Ok so I added the stop parasite, now I am noticing that the perc have that stringy stuff hanging from them like feces... this is what happened when my other two died, someone said it was brooknyla (SP?) They didnt have this before I added the Stop parasite... is this something normal their bodies are doing?

This sounds like it may be brooklynella in which case the hot sause medication [and you are right, that is basically what it is] would be worthless. Take a look at the pictures of clowns with brooklynella in the Diseased Fish Thread. The treatment in formalin bathes, explained in the FAQ thread at the top of this forum.


but these symptoms did not happen until an hour or so after I added the stop parasite. They deff. did have Ich, expecially the cream angel within 4 hours yesterday he went from perfectly fine to totally covered... So can they have brooklynella and ich?


My guess is something in your tank caused your fish to stress and made them susesptible to whatever was already in your tank. Did you test you water parameters to see if something was off?


Originally Posted by IamBailey
So this afternoon, the 2 percs, cream angel, engineer goby and 4 stripe damsel were fine.. now tonight... the perc and the angel expecially are COVERED in ich.. were talking 7 hours later.... they all seem ok, and are eating, I had been feeding with garlic.. havent added anything new (although these fish are only 10 days old) the only thing I have added was one medium piece of coraline coverd LR from a tank at the LFS.. anyway I dont have any corals or anything, just snails and CB Shrimp.. now what Can I do? Tommorow morning first thing I need to go out and buy something.. please help.. Im looking for a medication... not a QT tank or HYPO
Since you decided not to take the QT route or Hypo, please let me know how the meds work out for you.
I treated ICK with hypo and it worked well but never see the responses of those who use the meds so please post what worked or did not work for you.


Staff member
Originally Posted by fishychick
My guess is something in your tank caused your fish to stress and made them susesptible to whatever was already in your tank. Did you test you water parameters to see if something was off?
Yes, perhaps the miracle drug added to the tank is the cause? Pepper may cause excessive mucous production as a reaction.


yea that production because of the medicine I believed was what makes the ich "slide off" as it said.. I dont know...


K now the raised dots are more prominent again on the angel, and some on the percs.. the percs also have the whiteish slime on them... is this broknella (SP?) so do I have ich and that? Whats my next move? I think I am going to do Hypo, but will that take care of both diseases if I have both? Im really confused.. I looked at the FAQ and saw pics of all the diseases.. man.. they all look alike!! I need to know what they have! They havent acted strange or anything... sem pretty good


Well Im confused.. what should I be doing!?!?! Well I cant do Hypo because of my LS and LR, would I Be able to move my cream angel, 2 percs, engineer goby and 4 stripe damsel into a 10 gal I have and do Hypo? Well I have a big container, I guess I can put them in that as well... any help?


Active Member
Have you gone through the full treatment of Stop Parasite yet? If not, I'd go with that. Don't be too concerned with the skepticism regarding this med.... none of those people have actually seen it work or fail. Notice that everyone who has actual experience with the product did have a good result.


well considering the 8 oz, $24 bottle suppossedly only has 3 doses in it for a 90 gal, I might as well add the last treatment... But the fish althought still have stops seem a little better... the clown has a little dustly lookin slime I guess on him.. is it deff Broknella?