serious question


made mistake added too many fish too soon - long story but basically this is a tank that's 2 year old tank what survived the mayhem was 5 blue/green chromis and1 yellow tang - looking at swf beginners package 1st one with flame angel. want to get it - but wondering if in general too many fish at once or all together 55 gal tank two mil 3000 filters protien skimmer etc. have two tanks other one is 3 1/2 4 weeks old able to withstand via results of testing any fish but wondering if I should swf owes credit that needs to be taken right away so need to order soon is this order a mistake HELP!


i believe that it would be a bad idea to add that many fish to a tank at once. especially for a 55 gal. That many fish already with what you have owuld throw you into complete overload again. 5 green chromis (approx 2-3 inches) and 1 yellow tang (5 inches approx) so a total of 10 to 15 inches. witht the 10 inches and with 1 inch ber 5 gallons you are already at you max load. when the tank ages it is possible to add more fish and maybe bring it down to 1 inch per 3 gallons. all of this is assuming that you have a completely up and running biosphere.


this is a tank that's been in existance for 2 years - took out 2 3 1/2 inch dominos and 1 3"clarkie clown to make room for others the chromis and tang who they harrased they have good homes just not here want more fish but how many and when


I don't think you should add any more. Let's take a look at what your bioload will be when all of your fish are full grown... Tang= 8" Chromis= 3" x 5.. all in all... 23". I'm a big believer in the 1 " of fish per 5 gallons rule.. and that gives you 11" of fish for a healthy system. I think you should stick with what you have. You might want consider trading the tang in for some store credit. It sounds as if you're getting a little bored with just your fish.. so why not try for a reef? Corals are very beautiful and do not add to your bioload. In my honest opinion.. I would trade in the chromis, and get 2 more fish like a firefish and a clown then look into reefkeeping.


Seriously though Galina when was the last time you saw an 8 inch Tang? :D


I personally believe the 1inch per 5 gallon rule is not an accurate way to gauge at all. The way it ought to work in my opinion---is add one fish at a time, then wait a good long time. (I say 1-2 months but then I tend to be cautious there) If your system handles him great. If he plays nice with the others great. If there is no fighting over homes (hiding spots) great. THEN add another. And repeat process until you notice any signs of aggression or your system is not adequately handling the load. Test often after each addition. If you find your needing to clean your tank more than once a month--then your done. Other factors in amount of fish you can add is the amount and type of filtration. Also volume is less important than surface area. Take a big tang for example, most agree that a 55 is too small for one but would say hed be fine in a 90. Well some 90's are no LONGER than a 55, just simply taller, which really is irrelevant.
All fish should be getting enough to eat without having to fight, all fish should have their own homes without having to fight, and all fish are entitled to good water quality. ASk yourself if you are willing to maintain an overstocked tank, before overstocking. Understocking is an easy way to ensure lgihter maintainance, and healthier , happier fish.
Now to answer your actual question--adding more than one or two at a time is always a bad idea--always. This package you mention--what else is in it besides the flame?? Your yellow will most likely kick his butt. However I am also unclear as to what tank your planning on adding him to. You mentioned 2 different tanks--one established and one new. A flame should always go into a well established and very stable tank. Perhaps you could throw that yellow in the newer tank, and let the flame go into your older one.
Good Luck