Serpent/Brittle Star


I had one in a 15g tall... it's the same footprint as a 10g... but generally he just chilled under rocks... he was fine, just be sure to feed a little extra, as he might take out some of your fish!


Ha, thanks for the tips. I think they are really cool looking. I am looking for some other more attractive creature to stir up some sand than snails.


No, horseshoes need more than 300 gals at least.
If you want a cool thing for a nano I have a 6 gal that I have a fire shrimp in, other people like sexy shrimp and pompom crabs, those are GREAT to make a habitat for.



Originally Posted by NudiLove
No, horseshoes need more than 300 gals at least.
If you want a cool thing for a nano I have a 6 gal that I have a fire shrimp in, other people like sexy shrimp and pompom crabs, those are GREAT to make a habitat for.
Why? I thought the ones you buy for tanks dont get that big? On this isght it says "When most people think of Horseshoe Crabs they think of these huge crabs they they've seen on TV or in the Zoo. On the contrary, the Horseshoe Crabs offers are only an inch or two in size."
leading me to belive it not quit the same ones. Heck they arent even the same color unless that changes also.