Serpent Star Chows DOWN


Active Member
My Serpent Star is quick at feeding time! He loves raw shrimp.

Jockeying for Food


Slam Dunk

So Fast

Bring it on Home

Two Stuffed Inverts
The brain just ate some shrimp too. :D
Hope you enjoyed the pics.
Keywords: Serpent Star, Brittle Star, Ophioderma sp.


Active Member
does it seem like ur star just kinda sences theres food in the tank? kind of like he smells it from the other side of the tank? mine comes flying from in the rock all the way out onto the sand to get food.


You'd think they had a 6th sence, the way they know when food is introduced. We've named our JP short for jiffy pop.


Active Member
Yup. I just have to wiggle my fingers in the tank with the smell of shrimp on them and he comes flying out.
JP is a good name, they DO look a lot like a popped jiffy pop container when they have eaten. :D


Active Member
They can smell it - its called "chemosensory" ability. Not smell in our own sense, but close enough :)