serpent star question


my LFS person said that serpent stars are hunters and will hunt and eat small fish... she said that one of hers actually ate a medium sized fish...
can this be true?
anyone ever heard of this happening?


i have heard of it but havent seen it. they serpant star will catch the fish at night when the fish are not active


my serpant enjoyed the pepermint shrimp dinner...on the rocks!! He just reached into the little cave....and Although most of my fish are small (under 4 inches) and my stars legs are about 5 inches each.....I haven't lost anything else. I do spot feed him krill.

tony detroit

Active Member
I have two and feed them chunks of squid which they inhale. I don't have any problems of them eating fish, but I have heard of it happening.


they are opertunistic feeders which means if they are hungry and can catch it they will. like tony detroit siad if you spot feed them they are less likely to go after smaller fish. serpents are less argessive eaters than green brittle stars. but all in all they are good at what they do and thats tank clean up that includes dead or dieing anything.