Serpent star - what the heck?


New Member
I've had a serpent star for about 6+ years in a a 29 gallon with a couple of clowns.
Tonight I noticed that the serpent star was missing about half of one of his legs. It was sitting right next to him. I dropped in some food (wafer form) and not only did he go after it, but the severed leg was wiggling around as if it wanted to go after the food too. Wierd. What causes them to lose a leg (no predators)? Should I fish the leg out?


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Lhorn http:///t/391075/serpent-star-what-the-heck#post_3466387
I've had a serpent star for about 6+ years in a a 29 gallon with a couple of clowns.
Tonight I noticed that the serpent star was missing about half of one of his legs. It was sitting right next to him. I dropped in some food (wafer form) and not only did he go after it, but the severed leg was wiggling around as if it wanted to go after the food too. Wierd. What causes them to lose a leg (no predators)? Should I fish the leg out?
Lots of different name a few.

  • Illness

  • Bad water
    No food
    Got stuck under a rock slide
I had a heater break and shock the tank...I watched as my serpent stars legs fell off as he moved.


Isn't it possible that the leg may turn into another star? I think I've read that somewhere. Sounds possible since the other leg is still moving, right?


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by lcaldwell85 http:///t/391075/serpent-star-what-the-heck#post_3466579
Isn't it possible that the leg may turn into another star? I think I've read that somewhere. Sounds possible since the other leg is still moving, right?
A portion of the disk has to be attached, a leg and no disk will not regenerate, however the star will grow another leg.


Thanks Flower, I don't want to provide anyone with misinfo... Hey, I've been meaning to ask you, in our initial conversations, when you said Elkhorn, did you mean WV?