Serpent star

I have had a serpent starfish for almost 8-9months now. I read on the net that............
"This species ought to be fine, but keep in mind that many to most brittle/serpent stars actually perish because people expect them to just "find" food, something they can't do in an average reef tank. I suggest spot feeding with a bit of meaty food 2-3 times weekly, usually easy to do if you just look for the waving tentacles which are really saying, "FEED ME!"
However, THIS THING WON'T EAT. Shrimp, squid, doesn't matter. I have seen videos of these things hauling ass around the tank for food.....yet mine will barely move. I have a very clean tank so I think that he may not have enough detritus to scavenge. But, he has lived this long. What worries me is that the tips of his (arms?) seem to be turning white, and he looks very wrinkled. I want to feed him but literally its almost impossible. The hermits and nasar. snails engulf it, and no matter how I fight them off.....he just barely seems to move for the food. Someone told me try pellets, but I think the rest of the CuC would just snatch that too. Anybody got any tips?


Originally Posted by carolinethedog http:///forum/post/3189165
I have had a serpent starfish for almost 8-9months now. I read on the net that............
"This species ought to be fine, but keep in mind that many to most brittle/serpent stars actually perish because people expect them to just "find" food, something they can't do in an average reef tank. I suggest spot feeding with a bit of meaty food 2-3 times weekly, usually easy to do if you just look for the waving tentacles which are really saying, "FEED ME!"
However, THIS THING WON'T EAT. Shrimp, squid, doesn't matter. I have seen videos of these things hauling ass around the tank for food.....yet mine will barely move. I have a very clean tank so I think that he may not have enough detritus to scavenge. But, he has lived this long. What worries me is that the tips of his (arms?) seem to be turning white, and he looks very wrinkled. I want to feed him but literally its almost impossible. The hermits and nasar. snails engulf it, and no matter how I fight them off.....he just barely seems to move for the food. Someone told me try pellets, but I think the rest of the CuC would just snatch that too. Anybody got any tips?
PM Ophiura:
She is definitely the one to go to with ANY starfish questions.