Set the Story Straight - HLLE

aquarius 1

I've read and read and read and read about Head and Lateral Line Disease as far as causes treatments etc. and I'm still fighting a losing battle in my 150 FOWLR. I have a Koran, Flame Angel, Foxface, Clown Tang, Niger Trigger, and a pair of Percs. The two angels are definitely showing signs of the disease as they are beginning to discolor around the face. I installed a grounding probe about a month ago and it doesn't seem to be doing much. The tank is run on two Fluval 303 canister filters and a protein skimmer and the water quality is near perfect, all level are at 0. The fish get fed three time a day, once in the morning with Formula 1/2 soaked in Zoe, in the afternoon with straight spirulina flakes, and at night with the formula 1/2 soaked in Selcon. Usually every other day if not more frequently, they get either Seaweed selects, nori, or a seafood treat on the clip (either shrimp, scallops, or codfish). Even with this regiment my fish are still suffering and I can't figure out why. Any ideas? I've heard of feeding them vegetables like carrots, broccoli, and others, does this really work? Anything else I can do? I don't want to have fish with ghost faces!!!


you got stress in the tank.
fish will not get well if anxiety is hi.
2 angels????????????? thats stress + other open water fish, i dont know if they will ever get better.
one has to go NOW!!!!!!!!!!


Staff member
What are your phosphate and nitrate levels?
Are you running carbon in the canisters?
Can you post up any pics of the effected fish?


Staff member
What are you feeding the fish?
Grounding Probe?
Grounded wiring?
I would remove the carbon and replace it with a non-active meida [floss or ceramic pieces, etc. It has been said that carbon can cause HLLE if you are using it continueously.