Set-up Question (a quick reply would be appreciated)


I finally got all my equipment this weekend and now I have some questoins...
Yesterday I put 100lbs of southdown into my 72 Gal. and filled it with water (that had instant ocean mixed in). As expected, I got a VERY cloudy tank with a little foam on top. I added my heaters and a PH (toward the top so it didn't hit the sandbed) and let it sit for 24 hours.
Well, it has now been 24 hours and my tank is still a cloudy mess. The temp. is steady at 78 (is this a good temp.?) and I turned off the PH thinking it may not be helping the sand settle.
So here are my questions:
-I have about 100lbs of LR that was just taken out of another tank and shipped to me. I want to limit the die off, so can I go ahead and put the rock in the tank and use a turkey baster later to get the sand off of it?
-I will not be able to arrange my rocks how I want them b/c the water is too cloudy. So, can I just place them in there and then arrange them after the sand settles (how long does that take)?
-Adding the LR may start the cycle, so should I go ahead and add a shrimp or two at the same time?
-OR should I just wait out the sandstorm and add the LR and Shrimp in a few days? How much will this hurt my new LR? (this is the least preferable as I am traveling this week and I am excited to get started---I know, I know, patience is the key to this hobby.)
Thanks in advance...


your sand storm should clear up pretty fast,
make sure u got a sponge filter on your powerhead ,
and keep it clean


Are you running any type of filter? When I converted my cc to a dsb it was a cloudy mess, running fresh carbon in my filter for about 16 hours cleared it up, by the next day the water was totally clear (had to do a major scrubbing of the filter to get all the sand out tho)


Since your lr was from an established tank the die off will be minimal depending on how it was shipped. The sand storm shouldnt hurt the lr.
your water should clear up in at least a week and then you can arrange your lr to your liking. 78 degrees is a good temp depending on what you eventually want in your tank you may want it a bit higher. The shrimp is a great way to kick start a cycle.


-My PH didn't come with a sponge filter, just a plastic cage to go over the intake (Maxi-jet 900). How do I go about cleaning the sand out of it and do I need to go to the LFS to get a sponge filter?
-How does running carbon clear up sand suspended in my water? I don't want to run my filter yet (unless it REALLY helps) b/c cleaning all the sand out will be a pain.
-If I add the LR now (as I have been told it will not be hurt by the sand) should I add a shrimp(s) at the same time (how many for 72 gal.)? Will the decaying shrimp just get covered up with sand and be difficult to remove later?
-I will just be putting the LR in now to keep it 'alive', when I arrange it, won't just just cause another sandstorm?
Sorry for all the questions, I just don't want to mess this up in the first week...


Active Member
Run a filter, put the LR in there and clear it off later, after sand settles. It'll take about 3 or 4 days, maybe a week for it to settle. Re-arrange LR after water clears. As far as PH's go - I'd turn them off, but thats MO. The fine sand is still suspended and you want it to settle.


You can get a sponge filter for your powerhead at your lfs usually inexpensive. I'd add 3 shrimp for your size tank and when they are decayed and the cycle is complete you can fish them out with a net. Arrangeing your lr after the settling won't cause as bad as a dust storm and will settle quickly. Remember this stuff takes time to be succesful.