Setting up 1st Salt Aquarium


Active Member
I have recently purchased a 55 gal aquarium for my first salt tank. I am doing a fish only for my first time. I have purchased the power filter and undergravel filter, heater, air pump (6 Watt). I know I need a protein skimmer, but what kind should I buy? Would an air driven skimmer work or should it be venturi? And where can I buy a wallet friendly skimmer? Also what kind of gravel/substrate should I use. Thank you in advance for the advice.


I would use reef sand (and some live sand) and lose the under gravel filter. I don't think you will need the air pump for anything either. Bubbles in a SW tank are not a good thing. Take both of them back to the store and put the money towards a skimmer. as far as which brand... I don't know. I personally use a Coral Life Super Skimmer and am happy with it. It came with its own pump.


Most go with sand. CaribLive is a good brand, if you don't go with the real LS. As for a Skimmer Coral Life is a good mid priced skimmer.


my best advice would be to lose the undergravel filter.....use live sand as substrate not crushed coral. Main filtration should really be live rock and sand but if you want to get a skimmer also some good brands are Turboflotor Multi 1000 or Coralife Super Skimmer. there are others but the two i listed do a good job and arent to expensive.


Active Member
So a undergravel filter isn't necassary? From what I have read, it always says use an ug filter with a power filter. But I will take your word for it. I like the idea of using sand anyway. Will the power filter with a skimmer provide enough filtration? Which kind of sand should I use? Thank you, this info is great.


Active Member
I am bare bones right now, so whatever advice I can get now will be great. I have the 55 gal, power filter, heater. I will take the ug filter and air pump back. What are my next steps?


I second that. Live rock is probably the most important thing you can add to the tank for biological filtration. You'll probably be like me and your jaw will hit the floor when you find out how much it costs, but it is a necessity. Use at least 1 pound of rock per gallon if you can.
I use CaribSea reef sand. Nice stuff. Add some live sand to it. This site has nice LS. You could probably get away with 10 pounds. Mix it with your "dead" sand.


Definately LR and LS or that CaribSea or is it CaribLive (the packaged sand in saltwater with bacteria). The like the about post, read up on the Cycle thread.


Active Member
And research sand bed depths. Unless you want a "deep sand bed" and the care involved, keep your substrate under 2 inches. Also be sure to set your rock on the bottom of the tank and sand over it. You want a sturdy foundation.