Setting up 55 Reef


How much LR and LS should I use in my new 55 tank? I 'm going to buy the LR from SWF. Also when the LR is ready to be placed in the tank, are you supposed to rinse the rock after unpacking it, or take it right outr of the box and into the tank. Plan on starting the cycle with the die off from the LR and a cocktail shrimp.
thanx Mike


Active Member
LR and LS IMO is a personal preference as to how much you use.....I'm not a fan of DSB and feel if you utilize them do it in your fuge or such.......
Is the LR cured that your getting from the LFS? If it is you could take a bucket of saltwater and after removing it from the packing container "swish" is around in the bucket before placing it in your tank.


Active Member
I think LR and LS is a waste of money. It basically all eventually grows the same form of beneficial bacteria over it in the process of cycling the tank. Then you can buy a chip of coralline and place it in your tank. It should spread rapidly as long as you are keeping your params good. The local BIG hardware stores carry 100 (for 5 dollars) pound bags of sand that work just fine and you can find dried out base rock pretty easily too. It avoids having to worry about hitchers too.


I'am going to buy the LR form this site, So by the time it reaches me it should have die off on it. I don't think I should rinse it off then


hears my take on live rock...the better the live rock is, the shorter the cycle is, i could be wrong, but so far i have found that the people that use base rock or real cheap live rock, are the people that will tell you it will take at least 4 weeks or more to cycle. the ones that will say, my tank cycled in 3 days or a week or something like that, have not skimped on rock and picked out some real good colorfull rock with lots of beneficial bacterias and life already on the rock. that will help knock out ammonia and trites, and sometimes trates before they even start to show on tests (just talking about trates not showing on tests). the more water volume (tank size) and rock you have, the more stable the system will be. be sure to get a fuge and not a wet/dry. dont put plants (chaeto) in the fuge until the trites have come back down, plants dont like trites. once down, then put chaeto and maybe even mangroves if trates are still present. i am still learning all this, so look for backup on what i am saying, but this is what i have found so far. my tank cycled in about a week with primo indo pacific live rock. i cant even count all the featherdusters and other weird life on this rock. i have 5 fish and 9 or 10 pieces of coral in my tank and i am not at 4 weeks yet (.... flame time) and all my levels are right where they need to be (thank goodness!!!!) i am by no means saying it is ok to add lots of stuff before 4 weeks. i am just saying that good live rock is worth getting!! my rock alone was about $1000, but worth every penny.


Active Member
I don't know so much about the quality of could pay $100.00 per lb and doesn't really mean you have excellent LR, or such.....I honestly don't believe that using baserock will hinder or slow down the "cycle" process.....If the rock is cured regardless of baserock or expensive rock it's still "cured".....And IMO anyone that says their tank cycled in 3 days is full of it......You have die off just from moving rock, so your going to have some detectable levels.....the amount is unknown depending on the care given to the LR when shipped.......So with any signifigant amount of LR which most people seem to use there is honestly NO WAY you can get rock and and such to cure when it was just shipped in......VERY possible if you've had the rock in your posession curing it and transfer it from your holding tank to the main tank.....
It's possible your just lucky you haven't seen a spike or who knows you might see one shortly....


ya know, i have been trying to figure out how everything has been going so well....i guess i should stop trying to figure it out and just enjoy it. the guy who set up the tank is insisting its the rock. every tank he sets up with this stuff has done outstandingly well, quickly. so thats all i have to go by. i will just consider myself very lucky. here is a pic from just now.


Active Member
I have some primo Potomac river rock I'll sell for $8 per lb :hilarious
Just kidding, election night and all. Rock makes a huge difference, however, $9 per lb is a bit excessive, unless you live in Candada or somewhere not even close to tropical waters.


the price of rock is very market sensitive. around here, all stores sell base for around 4 to 5 a lb and good live rock for 8 to 12 a lb. seeing how this was the best rock i have seen, and the results of my tank....$9 was more than a good price in my market.


Active Member
Yeah FL is more expensive.......You could have gotten equally good if not better rock online for cheaper than $9.00lb.....


Active Member
My LR is $9.00/lb Its from Sulaweiia.(I Have no idea how to spell that, just sound it out) To me its deffinatly good stuff, cycled my 55 in less than 3 weeks. Lots of coraline already on it when I got it.


i had no problem paying the $9 a lb plus i was able to hand pick the stuff from hundreds of lbs of it. that, i would not be able to do ordering on line. its crazy how addicting this is. my wife is starting to give me crap about the amount of time i spend with it....this weekend, a guy who provides most of LFS around here with some of their corals is having a big BB-Q and invites anyone and everyone to come check out his over 3000 gallons of salt water tanks with tons and tons of corals to check out and purchase. its about a 1.5 hour drive but i am going....she not too happy but hell,,,its my birthday this weekend so i get to do whatever i want....right? if he allows....i will take pics and post them


Active Member
That's an extra food and to look over goodies......
I think alot of spouses that aren't really into the hobby would agree that we spend to much time on the tanks.......