Setting up 55 Reef


oh...and nick76....thats some good looking rock, too!!!! i bet it made all the difference in your tank....i bet corals are opening up like crazy in there.


Active Member
Originally Posted by cymbal67
oh...and nick76....thats some good looking rock, too!!!! i bet it made all the difference in your tank....i bet corals are opening up like crazy in there.
Lol they would be..., however sadly I do not have the proper lighting for corals yet. Im hoping for a T-5 Nova set for x-max though :D BUT THEY WILL BE WHEN I GET THEM! lol
And Man o man can I relate to u guys with with spouse thing...only its my gf n she likes my fish, just not how much $$$ I put into it lol.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Nick76
Lol they would be..., however sadly I do not have the proper lighting for corals yet. Im hoping for a T-5 Nova set for x-max though :D BUT THEY WILL BE WHEN I GET THEM! lol
And Man o man can I relate to u guys with with spouse thing...only its my gf n she likes my fish, just not how much $$$ I put into it lol.
Do like most of us do.....throw the receipt away before you get home!!!!!!!
Been working since 94 with this wife.....The first wife couldn't deal with the fish or anything in life in general......Actually my wife doesn't care about the cost as long as the

and my bills are paid.....Anything left if I dump into the tank is cool, it keeps me out of the bars......


Active Member
Originally Posted by cymbal67
dude!!!!!! i just saw your thread on your wall tank!!! nice f-ing setup!!
I'll have to get you pics of the one I did in August for one of my customers......
I used about the same equipment on hers, the only exception was the Lumenarc III reflectors and she has a 1/2hp chiller and I got the 1hp chiller......Hers was done in a little darker finish almost a walnut that drove me nuts trying to match......the rest of the furniture in the house is that color and the tank had to match......

She was complaining to me the other week about their expenses on the tank and their house....

is $6500.00 a month, and she called the other day to see what I was up to and said they were breaking ground on their new house and to see if I was ready for the move, and to start sketching up some designs for a new tank...... :scared: I saw the plans for the new house and it's bigger than their current house, and they are having a huge room built on the main floor just for the new tank.....The other will be put in their office.......I wish I had that kinda cash!!!!!!!


Just wait till you all's spouses do y'all like mine did. Hands you a scuba tank and mask when its time to go bed and says " here ya go,,,,,,,sleep with fish "


Active Member
Originally Posted by yote
Just wait till you all's spouses do y'all like mine did. Hands you a scuba tank and mask when its time to go bed and says " here ya go,,,,,,,sleep with fish "
Hey whenever I finish the floor completely in my room I'm moving in there....I already turned the door knob the opposite way so I can lock them out.....To bad it's a glass door......the dirty looks I get when I lock it.......