Setting up a 125 with ideas for fish,corals..etc please help!


Active Member
Hey guys,
I've had an aggressive tank before, but i recently bought a 125 acrylic tank, and i've decieded to make it a reef tank. I'm running an Ecosystem filter 3612 model i believe (miracle mud) ...etc anyways i also just had a guy custom make me some rocks for my tank, so im really excited about that. I will also be running 10k lights. But as reguards to how many smaller fish i can many crabs...snails...etc
If anyone has an is yours working for you?...mines not set up yet. also i've read an ecosystem can hold more then 1 inch of fish per gallon...wondering if you can testify to that.
I'm also looking for suggestions for fish, big or small...i just know that honestly money isn't an issue hear, and i want to have an insainly beautiful tank...Also if you guys have any ideas on corals,zoo's etc please let me know ...all ideas will be used! :)
also if anyone has any nice reef pictures they would like to post i would be SOO happy to see them...i want ideas! :)
thanks a million guys


word of advice on the fish thing...wait till your reefs happy and healthy then start adding the nitrate generators SLOWLY!!! Corals get irritated VERY QUICKLY if the water quality starts dropping...add fish slowly and dont add to many big predator fish, they require alot of food and lots of eating and food = lots of waste = unstable water quality = dead corals...