Setting up a 30Gallon Refugium questions?


I am adding a 30-gallon Refugium to my tank to help improve water quality and keep algae in check. I was thinking :thinking: of starting with a 6 inch deep sand bed using 1 - 20lb bag of live sand, and the rest Southdown sand. Is this good? Or instead of 6 inches of sand should I use 4 inches of sand and 2 inches of miracle mud on top of the sand?
I am also confused about the water. I have my Refugium setup above my main display tank and I have used about 5 gallons of the water from a water change off the main tank, then the rest is fresh RO/DI water with new instant ocean salt mix. As of now the Refugium is not connected to the main tank in anyway. My question is will my Refugium start to cycle? I am curious because I don’t want to hook the two tanks together to do my flow testing only to find out I am pumping water that is in an ammonia/nitrate spike into my main display. :confused:


Active Member
Refugium - Good Idea
I would go with a 6 inch DSB. I have no experience with mud, but I know sand works and the pods love it.
You will experience a cycle if you use any sand that is not live. I think that you can get one even if you use all live sand. Though, I didn't experience any spikes when I set mine up just like you. I used SWF's LS and the bagged Live sand. No Dead sand.
I would put in all of the LS and hook it up to the Display. Then stop and think about it. Possibly let the dead sand cure in a bucket with saltwater & powerhead. Or add it slowly. Not sure about this one. Maybe someone else?


From everything i've read, what is going to be effective in the LS will happen within the first 3 inches or so. Adding more doesnt help much. It's really personal preferance I think.


Thanks so much for the information. I just setup my Refugium last night and ran my waterflow tests. I also ran several power outages to make sure I would not have any issues. Everything so far has worked out great. I am keeping my eye on the water parameters and hope their is no issues with that. Here is a pic of the system druing my test last night.
Thanks again everyone.


Heres a scenario....
What if the suction from the hang on is broken. Is there some sort of float shutoff for the pump that is pumping the water to the Fuge?


Nope, I have no shut off for the pump should the water level drop or get too high :nervous: . With my tight budget I am running with hope, hope it does not overflow onto the floor. I think it will be OK. Like I said I have done several power outage test with it and the only way that I can see it loosing suction is if I were to walk over to it and pick up the U-Tube. I also check my tank every day and one of the thing I look for is air in the U-Tube.
That is a lot of bottle under the tank waterfaller1, time for some spring cleaning :D


I think you will be ok too.
I had the water level drop too low in my tank one day (hence the suction stopped). I had my girlfriend add some water to the sump....Whoops forgot to ask her to prime the tube....Lets just say she wasn't very happy with me when I got home....It kinda looked like waterfaller1's gif.
I like the idea though. I'm wondering if I can get another tank (maybe make one) that will fit on my 10gal stand but make it higher than the 55 for the same outcome.

I can see it now!
Thanks for the idea enomadra


Im planning a fuge that is primarily for pod production. I wonder what the most effective design would be. Any thoughts?
i think that an in-tank refuge would be most effective, but I dont want to lose space. Im almost thnking of just using the largest container i can, placing it next to the sump, running a slow flow through it, and rotating live rock through it.
I have an eating amchine mandarin that is slowly killing my pod population.


OK it has been up and running without issue for 4 days now.
I have added 60 lbs of live sand to it so that I have a nice deep sand bed.:)
Now I need help from everyone out there. I need to know what to put into it so it will be a productive addition to my setup and not just another tank. I was thinking of trying to put some seahorses in it, but I am waiting to talk to people about care and feeding to make sure I will have the time to take them on. My Urchin will be going in there (in the picture) and i guess I will want to have macro alge to help lower the nitrates in the system. Being that this Refugium is on display does anyone have any suggestions for some really cool colorful plants I can use?
Thanks :D


Ok I am starting to get some things for the Refugium and I need some help on understanding how to care for them. I have posted some pictures of the stuff that I got, I know some of them look a little on the rough side but I got them free. :D Anyway I am under the impression that all they need is light but I just want to make sure:yes:


Is there a rule of watts per gallon? I know on our dispay tanks I hear everyone always say 6 watts per gallon.