Setting up a 5 gallon?


I've been thinking about setting up a small tank 5g or so for my dorm room this upcoming year. The dorm I have is like an apartment, private rooms and everything and its open year round so I don't have to take the tank home every break. I was wondering what do ya'll do for lighting with little tanks? I just don't know how to go about it, any pictures/suggestions would greatly help!


New Member
just get a 6 gallon nano cube. it comes all set up with the light and filtration system in place. all you have to do is plug it in, put in ro water and about 5-8 pounds of live rock and wait 2-6 weeks. it should cycle by then. use that time to study up. i have a 6 gallon nano at my cubicle here at work and its doing great.


I could do that but buying one will be too much money to begin with. I know I can get a tank and I already have a small filter. My 24g nano has already proved its not so great design so I'd prefer not to get another