setting up a new 55g tank


New Member
I am fairly new to the saltwater hobby, having only had my tanks since August (14g) and January (29g). I want to replace my 29g tank into a long 55g, which I have just purchased. I have a lot of questions regarding getting a new tank set up, especially since my current two tanks are biocubes, and being an all-in-one set up I didn't have to worry about getting the components individually.
I am currently looking for the lighting for the tank, I know I will need the halide lights for the corals I plan to get (still a long way off I know). I was wondering if anyone has any suggestions of which types or brands I should choose from. I did not have much success with my 29g tank in regards to the lighting - the ballasts kept going out on me every few weeks if not more frequent (and it is a fairly new tank, as of January..) I don't want to be having repeated troubles with the new tank.
I also want to get a refugium set up, and have a 10g tank for that. I will be getting a HOB system to run this by. So far I only have a filter, tank and stand set up. I will look into the other components I need after I find the right lighting.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


you should try to re-post this in the lighting,equipment, etc. forum if you don't get much of a response here.


Active Member
are you wanting to know good name brands for lighting fixtures, or components? do you have a canopy, or will you want to place a fixture over the tank?


New Member
Thanks for your help, I'll look into those lights. I'll also check out the other posts in the equipment forum.


Active Member
I would look in to the corallife lights I use them and it is working good and doesnt put off that much heat.Hope that helps.