Setting up a new tank, need advice on third fish...


Huma trigger, Bluejaw trigger, and ...?
Who's got suggestions for me?
It's a 90 gallon tank.
I like wrasses, but every suggestion is wanted.
Thanks much in advance.
that is a bit much for a little tank like that, i have a clown and niger in a 125g with a golden puffer, so in time you may need to upgrade the tank. i would suggest these fish, harlequin tusk(wrasse) any kind of good size puffer(messy eaters though) maybe a snowflake eel or any sort of small eel but you must now that eel's need a really hole-free enviroment because they chase their food and since they dont see well they will jump out of the tank. i dont think you should get anymore triggers i think only two per tank (well not if the tank is like 200g) maybe some kind of angel if yu are confident with your water quality (not dwarf angels but the big ones) groupers can live with triggers but like wrasses they get large, thats all i can think of.
[ April 25, 2001: Message edited by: dlight692000 ]


Well, first off, this is not a 'permanent' setup by any means. In approx. 8 months I'm moving to a house with a furnished basement. :) In other words, LARGE tank is forthcoming.
So, the huma and bluejaw will be 2.5-3", and whatever is recommended will be the size of the recommended third fish.


LionFish says.....
Well, with a 90 gallon tank you could try some really cool fish. I would second the vote for the Harlequin Tusk. They are a large variety of the Wrasse family, are colorful, and are very active. Its an all-around cool fish. You also have the choice of a snowflake eel. They are cool little fish. They get to be over 2 feet but are very docile compared to most eels. You must make sure you have a covered top for the tank because they are awesome escape artists. Then there is my favorite fish the lionfish. Now you can choose from 3 of them. You could try a Radiata, Antennata, or Dwarf. These all stay under 9 inches. They are all good choices but what Dlight says makes me wonder. Triggers have scales which get extremely tough when they get big. Triggers can then pick at the lions and not be affected by their stings. This makes triggers practically the best hunter/predator in the world.


Okay, I was waiting for you to respond, Lionfish. :)
I will definitely go with the harlequin tusk. If what you say about the lions is true, then I don't want to subject it to that kind of 'picking.'
I read some of your posts before on this fish. The blue teeth sound awesome to look at, and it's coloring is fantastic. Also, I believe you mentioned that it is a peaceful fish until screwed with, and then it goes into a rage. :)
I'll be grabbing one of those for sure, and if I later 'up' the tank to huge proportions, I'll get a snowflake or whatever.
Thanks for the advice.


I've heard the Bluejaw triggers are one of the more docile varieties. I'm interested in getting one for my 90g and would appreciate any input. Is yours docile?
Hi Bluto, when you say blue jaw do you mean the niger trigger right? They are great and we do have one with a snowflake. The niger doesnt eat anything we dont give him {YET} . hope this helps...cya ;)


There are several different algorithms for determining tank loads. They vary from from 2"to 4" per 5 gal to 1" per 18 sq" to 1" per 48 sq". Regardless of which you use you are way under the load for a 90Gal tank. You should also ask for suggestions for your 4th fish as well as your third.


Well, the reason why I only wanted the 3 small fish is because I wanted to give them room to grow. The thought of having 3 fish that could be a foot long each really floats my boat.
I'll stick with those three for now. When I get a 180 maybe I'll get one more.
My ultimate tank would be a 300 gallon with 5 or 6 different triggers in it.