setting up a sump...


quick question:
I just got a 55 gallon and it had the skimmer box (inside tank) and the overflow box that use that U shaped siphon to pull the water down to the sump... Can I use just a pump in the display tank to send the water down to the sump or is there a reason to do it this way?


New Member
An overflow seems to be the preferred method. I guess you could use a pump in the main DT to go to the sump. Not sure what the pro/con would be as long as you matched your in/out. I personally just went with an overflow and a pump in the sump to return to the DT.


Active Member
well if you pump to the sump, how would you get the water back to the DT? I would guess you would end up with two pumps, one supply and one return, and that would never balance out right, gravity feed into the sump such as hang on overflow box you have control of the amount of water that will go into the sump if the pump fails, and the amount of water the pump pumps back into the DT will equal the amount going to the sump. Just a safe way to equal out the flow balance between the sump and DT