setting up hospital tank question


So im in the midst of setting up my QT, and here's my question: is it possible to use about 6g of my water from my DT when i do a water change and use 4g of new water, and have it not have to cycle? It's a 10g tank. I want to get some fish next weekend, and i had heard that i could use already established water to skip the cycle.
Also, i have heard conflicting answers to adding a little sand from my tank. I have heard that you wouldn't use any at all, but then some say to use about a handful of it in your QT?


Active Member
I dont think the new water is the problem.
if you buy some LR that has already been established then you might be fine.
In my 65 I had about 140pounds of LR thats had been a system before that for at least 6 months and ALL new water, I didnt see a spike.


Active Member
Originally Posted by vsecret
I was told not to put LR in my QT, that's why i'm confused.
well I dont know about that. I havent set up a QT before..i need to
but I currently dont buy any fish so hopefully ich wont break out in m tank.
but I dont see why you couldnt? If your fish gets sick and you add some meds I would think it wouldnt bother the I woudnt add corals...
Im not sure though.....

florida joe

Well-Known Member
Your water does not contain nitrifying and denitrifying bacteria, as the bacteria is not suspended in the water. Live rock does not guarantee nitrification or denitrification even if it is introduced into your QT. You need to cycle your QT with a piece of raw shrimp


Well-Known Member
The bacteria are not in the water - they only live on solid surfaces. For a very small tank like yours I would keep a small corner filter with rock or filter floss in the sump of the dt so that it is always cycled. Then, all you need to do to get the qt ready for fish is to move the filter to the qt, add fresh water, and you are good to go.