Setting up my 75gal for reef


Well I took my oscars and jacks to the LFS and got a $50 credit for them. Spent the day yesterday cleaning the tank and removing gravel and stuff.Repainted the back of the tank, it was black and I painted it a blue. I also ordered another 30lbs. of live rock and ordered a lighting system. The light I got coming has 2-250watt 15K MH bulbs ,4 HO T5 Actinics and 6 double moonlight LEDS. Total of 716watts. I'm hoping the light wont be to much for a 75gal tank. So when the rock and lighting get here I will swap over my reef from the 29gal into the 75. I am very excited to get my 75 back as a reef. My wife is going to setup a planted FW tank in the 29gal, shes happy too. I'll take some pics of the setup and build ,then post them.


Well-Known Member

...that's some light system. I only put 2 x 175w 14K MH bulbs (never heard of 15K) with 2 x 96w actinic, and a moonligt strip on my 90g. What did you land up paying for them?


Here's a pic of my 29gal

and here's the start of the 75, some dead rock siliconed in and live sand added.


That 29 only took 3 month now from start to how it looks today. I'm going to go slower on the 75.


they only had 10 in stock and they are gone now. I got it on a site that starts with a E and ends in a Y. They didn't show a brand but it is a really nice looking light.


Ahhhh dang... will have to keep my eyes peeled. Been looking for a good light for me 75 for about a week now. Thanks for the help!


Well heres an update: My light will be here friday the 26th (I hope it's not to much light for a 75 ,700 watts) my rock will be here tomarrow th 24th and I have 4 wave makers coming and don't know when they will be here. Heres some update pics just dead rock,live sand, and saltwater.The filter is temporary till I move my sump from the other tank. I have a opening behind the rockwall in the right corner where the heater will go with a power head to circulate water from behind the rock wall.

I want to stack my rock in the open area in the midle of the tank and keep a bunch of open sand bed on the right infront of the rock wall and cave.


My live rock should be here today....USPS. I hope they leave it here and don't require a signature. last time I was waiting for some corals they didn't leave it at my home and it traveled around all day in a truck with the post man. I had to go to the post office that day after they got back in to get it so it wouldn't sit in there building another night. Come on live rock.......


Well got 4 800gph wave maker power heads today and my lighting will be here tomarrow. I have moved all my rock to the new tank and aquascaped it. will post pics when the water clears up and I get my lights.


got my lighting today ,what a nice light. I will take some pics tomarrow when the MH come on. My canera dosnt like the blue moonlights ,but tey look great even shimmer.


Well have some pics with the new lights. Corals are loving the MH lighting.

Heres one with the moonlights. looks better in really life than pics.