Well I took my oscars and jacks to the LFS and got a $50 credit for them. Spent the day yesterday cleaning the tank and removing gravel and stuff.Repainted the back of the tank, it was black and I painted it a blue. I also ordered another 30lbs. of live rock and ordered a lighting system. The light I got coming has 2-250watt 15K MH bulbs ,4 HO T5 Actinics and 6 double moonlight LEDS. Total of 716watts. I'm hoping the light wont be to much for a 75gal tank. So when the rock and lighting get here I will swap over my reef from the 29gal into the 75. I am very excited to get my 75 back as a reef. My wife is going to setup a planted FW tank in the 29gal, shes happy too. I'll take some pics of the setup and build ,then post them.