Setting up new reef tank


I'm not sure whether I should post this in the reef group or in the new hobbyist group.
Anyway, I’m setting up an oceanic 72 gallon reef ready bow front reef tank. Here is what I will be doing and I’m wondering if you guys have any suggestions.
1.4 inch sand bed (mainly Southdown play sand seeded with 15 pounds of live sand). = Done
2.130 pounds of Fiji live rock. = Will be ordering tomorrow
3.20 Gallon tank used for sump with an AquaC urchin in-sump protein skimmer. Using a Mag 5 pump to pump water to display tank. = Done
4.Two power heads in display tank = Done
5.260 watt JBJ PC lighting (2 white and 2 blue – each 65 watts) = Done
6.2 150 heaters = Done
No livestock yet. Will have live rock cycle tank before adding livestock.
I have everything ready, with the exception of the live rock. I’m going to be ordering the live rock tomorrow.
Am I adding too much live rock? I’d personally would like to add 100 pounds of live rock, but the place where I’m going to order from (jeff’s), sells only 66 pound boxes so I have to order at least two boxes.
I’d like to place some live rock in the sump, but do I really need lighting in the sump for the live rock. Will the live rock turn into dead rock if I don’t have any lighting in the sump?
In advance, thanks.


The Mag 5 I ordered was rated for 500gph. I was at your web site and noticed that your run a Mag 7, but you quoted that your Mag 7 is rated for 500gph. Did you mean 700gph?


Active Member
Sounds like you're on your way to a great setup. I think the amount of rock you're getting is great. Agree with Kip on the return pump. You're always better off going up a bit. You can always throttle down a little with a ball valve and the price of a mag 7 compared to a 5 is next to nothing. Most overflows are rated at 700gph under ideal conditions. Add plumping to get the water back and your mag 5 will probably give you less flow than you like.
Let us know how your system matures and Good Luck!


Thanks - It has left me almost broke though. Once I order the live rock, I will have spent almost $1700.
I should have ordered the Mag 7, it was only a $5 difference.