Setting up Qt- quick question


I just purchased a 10 gallon tank kit. I am going to set it up tomorrow. My question is that I need this thing cycled quick. My fish in my main tank have ich and the Kick Ich treatment is not working (as I was fairly warned it would not) so I am going to do the hyosalinity thing. My refractometer should be here any day now.
I am going to add 2 cups of live sand from my main tank and hang a sponge or something in my main tank also to help it get going. I don't have any pieces of live rock small enough to put in the new Qt tank to help it along. Any other suggestions on what I can do to get this cycled ASAP?


Active Member
You don't want little pieces of live rock to put in there. They would eventually die in the hypo process. Putting the sponge on there is very good, and I would pick up a live bacteria additive such as Turbo Start or BioSpira. Either of these will add LOADS of beneficial bacteria to your tank and help prevent a cycle.


don't I want it to cycle so I know I am good to add the fish to Qt them? :thinking: I just don't have weeks to wait like a normal tank set up....I am so confused :notsure: sorry


Staff member
Is 10 gal big enough for all your fish??
What type of tank do you have, LR? Reef?


The only fish I have right now are 1 Royal Gramma and 2 perc clowns. I was reading your post about setting up the QT tank and do not have small pieces of live rock to start the tank off with...I have a sponge for the filter and a bio bag, 2 cups sand from main tank and 5 gallons from main tank. My main tank is a 55 gallon FOWLR...


Staff member
You really can not quickly cycle this tank, especially since it is so small. Use 100% tank water to set up, 2 cups of sand from your display. The trick will be to try and keep this tank from going into a cycle.
How do you plan to treat the ich? Hyposalinity, hopefully?


I am planning on treating with hypo. My refractometer should be here anyday in the mail now....I just lost my gramma so all I have now if the 2 perc clowns...


Am I better off trying to set up this tank without it cycling or just getting it to cycle and then qt my fish. :notsure: I am not sure how long it will take the tank to cycle. My fish seem ok right now but that could change very quickly as I have learned....


Active Member
If you set this tank up with a filter and sponge from your display tank, as well as keep a bottle of Turbo Start handy (just in case you experience a small spike), you should not see a cycle, as the tank will already have cycled bacteria from your main tank.


The sponge filter and the bio bag have been in the main tank about 2 days now. The live sand (2 cups) and water (10gal) will come from my main tank that is established. I am setting up a 10 gall Qt tank. So you think I could set this up and get my fish into it tomorrow?


I also set up a ten gallon QT tank in a hurry to treat my 2 clowns and bicolor blenny. Since I did not have a QT tank set up already, I went out and bought a 10 gallon tank, a cheapo light fixture, a hang on bio wheel, a powerhead, an airstone and pump, and a really good heater. If you have extra stuff around the house from previous tanks you can use those too I think. I also bought BioSpira because I couldn't find the TurboStart in my area. I added it slowly to the bio wheel, hoping the colonies could form there. My tank is pretty bare, but I made sure the tape up black paper on the back and bottom of the tank which is supposed to be very important to prevent the fish from seeing their own reflection and becoming disoriented. I also added large PVC pipes so that the clowns and bicolor had some hiding places.
Since you have already lost a fish, you will want to try to hurry and treat your clowns. Rather than waiting for a cycle, you have to work diligently to prevent a cycle. This may require many water changes and a heck of a lot of testing. My fish finished their seventh week today (yeah!) and I am just now starting to slowly raise their salinity back up to 1.024 from 1.009.
It sounds like the sand and sponge will help to prevent your tank from cycling, but I also recommend adding BioSpira or TurboStart (they are kept in the refridgerator at LFS). Like I said, I did a lot of water changes....I started out doing two a day, now I do it once a day or once every other day. I also made sure to vacuum up any uneaten food and poop. I am glad to hear you got a refractometer...I bought one just for this whole ordeal also and it was well worth the money...It would have been darn near impossible to do it without it!
Good Luck! Keep us updated!