Setting Up REEF TANK



I am looking into setting up a 90 Gallon reef tank. I am so confused as to which products to buy. Can anyone give me some advice on the "tried and true" products that you have purchased and used. I need advice on lighting, wet/dry, and protein skimmer. Is a UV filter a must? What about OZONE?
Thanks in advance,
Lojac :confused:


First off...Welcome to the best saltwater BB on the net! not always the most PC, but still the best you will find!
for a reef tank you dont want a UV unit as it will kill bacteria that you want.
i have heard that berlin skimmers are the best and just bought one myself, ill let you know. I bought a cheap one to start and got what I paid for.
as for lighting MH is the best, but PC's are OK too. you need a LOT of light (try for 5 WPG)
ozone is not necessary
for a reef setup you dont want a wet/dry....check out burnspys website to find out why....
BurNSpy's Reef Basics


being that you are new, try the search feature at the top right hand corner. you can find almost every answer to all questions ever asked on this board, and there are plenty!


The essential elements for a worry free reef tank begin with live rock (about 1-1.5 lbs per gallon), live sand (enough to have a 4" depth if you want a deep sand bed) -- I personally only have about just under 3 inches in sand, a protein skimmer, and adequate lighting (3-5 watts per gallon), depending on your choice of corals. Make sure you read like crazy to save yourself from unnecessary purchases.

nm reef

Active Member
Welcome to the board........If it was me setting up a 90 gal system....I'd keep it simply.........tank/water/good filtration system(including a good size refugium)/dsb of about 4-6 inches/approximately 150 lbs of good quality LR/lighting that would be in the range of 6-8 watts per gal/a skimmer that was capabale of handling the system/power heads or wave maker to provide good circulation...BAMMMMMMMMM............
then I'd set it up to start cycling ... wait.....and start looking at critters to invite over...... ;)
Type of equipment is up to you but I'd personally try to get all the info I could find and try to get only high quality equipment that could handle the system adaquately.
hope this helps a lil :cool:


First...Do Research.
Figure out what you have had luck with in the past if you have been in freshwater.
Find an LFS local to you that you think you can trust, then double check what they say here on the BBS.
Then and only then buy your equipment, fish corals etc. There are many methods for setting up a new tank. Everyone here will have different opinions. I would recommend to first get the book "Conscientous Marine Aquarist" by Robert Fenner. It covers many different aspects of the hobby. The reason I say this is because what I use is not necessarily what someone else will use. Many people will say just get a 4" DSB, a lot of live rock (100+ lbs in a 90 gallon), a skimmer and some power heads. I would hold off on the skimmer until after your tank has been established or not add one at all. In a reef tank I would wrather see people setup a refugium for ultimate tank health. This will provide beneficial filtration and life for your system. Most LFS's are going to try and sell you Wet/Dry filters which are not good in my opinion, but they will work.
I personally use Undergravel and people think I am nuts, but it has worked for me , I am used to it and I know it works for long periods of time with routine maintenance. The key is to do research, before making purchases and by coming to this board before purchasing anything you have definitely taken the right step.
If you want to go with modern recommendations here is what I would suggest.
90 gallon tank and have it pre-drilled for the overflow.
VHO or Metal Halide Lights ($300 - $700)
DSB (I use Carib Sea Reaflor, others use Southdown sand)
Live Rock, make sure you check here for places where people get their live rock from. This site supposedly sells some great live rock, but I personally have never used it.
Powerheads (2 Hagen 402's or compatible, 1 Hagen 302). This will provide more than enough circulation in your tank.
Build a refugium that will connect to the over flow and get a pump that will give you sufficient return.
The overflow should go into either a refugium or sump. In the sump you can put your protein skimmer at a later time. You can also put things like your heater to help remove them from the tank.
With this setup you should be good to go. Most of all realize this hobby is not cheap and that shopping around is a must. I hope this long winded answer helps give you some different ideas to consider and to take into a LFS before purchasing your equipment.