Setting Up Skimmer


OK i got a Berlin Airlift #60 in my 35 gallon tank, its all in, its at the indicated water line but im confused as to how powerful my pump should be set at. Right now i have a slow steady foam that doesnt overflow the collection cup, but im not sure if the foam is all supposed to go in the cup of what?
The tank is newly setup, has 5.5 lbs of live rock, and thick sand bed, so will i not see any amber to brown residue because its not developed in the tank or does it need to run a few days? I jsut set the skimmer up yesterday morning and just got a steady foam rate last night. All help is well appreciated.


yes the foams is suppose to go in the cup.check it weekly if it quit foaming it may not be working and need to be cleaned.but your on the right track


hmm ok just it jsut recently stop foamin up, like foam creates but no matter how hard i put the pu p it doesnt foam into the cup,
what does this mean?
what do i do?


some one help this things drving me crazy cuz i dont know if its right or now or what, im soo lost


New Member
how old is the airstone, that may be old & worn out
My skimmer takes these wooden blocks to produce millions of tiny (1mm) bubbles. I was told it will need replaced about every month.
The smaller & more abundant the bubbles the more surface area, that is what u want.....or so I was told.
Hope this helps..............Dave in Omaha
Oh....if your skimmer dosent use the airpump & stone, but the whirlpool pump & stuff Im sorry. I have the airpump/airstone type, & only know its proporties.


My skimmer foams more if the I do something to the water. For example, if I clean the inside of the glass it goes crazy. Perhaps since it is a new setup, there is nothing to skim out.


New Member
You said that your tank is new, so it will take some time to produce the scum your looking for. If you have a good lift of foam just at the cup your on track. When the level of protein builds up you will begin to see it rise up and eventually spill into the collection cup.


so i let it jsut keep running? like the bubbles are a few millimeters off the water surface not close to the top