Setting up Tank - Assistance Needed


New Member
I am setting up my tank this weekend...all my supplies have arrived and my live rock and live sand arrive tomorrow. I've been reading and want to make sure my approach is correct for getting everything set up:
1) Set up aquarium and all accessories (filter, skimmer, pumps, etc) - Saturday
2) Fill with water - Saturday
3) Add salt - Saturday
4) Bring water to 78 degrees - Saturday
5) Add live rock - Saturday
6) Wait 24 Hours and cleanup as necessary
7) Add live sand - Sunday
8) Let the cycling begin - Sunday
Is this a good approach? Can I combine the live rock/live sand acclimation? I want to get it starting "cycling" by Sunday as I have to go on a business trip on Tuesday. Any thoughts are appreciated.


If it were me (and I'm pretty new!) I'd do steps 1 through 4, then wait...
It's not likely that your salt will dissolve that quickly...the water, IMO, will be very cloudy and fairly caustic. I'd let it mellow without LR until I returned from my business trip.
That's what I did with my tank when I set it up last summer...let it sit with nothing in it for two weeks while I visited friends and family back home in WA for a couple weeks.
Just my opinion though...


Active Member
just gonna make shure but.. part of the setting up the tank part is making shure the tank is level....... water at 8 lbs a gallon.. it adds up when a tank is tilted... :scared:


Active Member
Originally Posted by ThaNgBom
just gonna make shure but.. part of the setting up the tank part is making shure the tank is level....... water at 8 lbs a gallon.. it adds up when a tank is tilted... :scared:

Definitely a good point!! We got our tank about as level as we could get it in our house, and it's fine, not "tilted" for sure. But that's not something that comes to mind when thinking about everything else you're trying to accomplish.
Lisa :happyfish


New Member
Yes...good point on the leveling. I just checked it and it is not 100% level...the bubble is just ever so slightly off on the level. I put those "sliders" underneath the stand as well as I have hardwood floors so I wanted them for protection and the ability to slide the aquarium should I ever need to. I think its as level as its gonna get floor must be off just so slightly.
Anyway, thanks for the advice. My only issue is my LR/LS comes could it last 5 to 6 days just in the box until I get back? It seems to me that may be more harmful than putting it in a bit too soon in the water...but I'm far from an expert yet


hi, even though lr says its precured, shipping will cause die off. You should have a couple of plastic tubs with salt water and power head ready so that when you get it fri, you can put it in to keep stuff from dying more. (dont leave it in the box for very long, or you will have dead rock)
also, if you can , you should premix your water for your tank, so that it has time to cure, then you can put everything in on saturday.What size tank are you setting up. Good Luck :D


Oh... don't leave the live rock out all week! :eek:
Since you already have it coming, toss it in!
What kind of water are you using?


Active Member
id also bring the water to 82.
And I'd also add the sand first to avoid a sand storm...but if it's real LS, then you'd have to mix the water before you put it in...
Otherwise expect a week for the sand to settle.
Also DO NOT run the skimmer... but that's JMO


one tip. put sand in first. once you add water put a plate on the sand and pour water on plate. this will keep sand from stirring up and not clouding up the water really bad and it will clear out quicker.


New Member
Wow...thanks for all the advice. I am not sure I can put the LS in first though...I need to mix my saltwater in the tank if at all possible. Its a 90 gallon tank so I don't really want to have to fill up 20 buckets and carry them.
Can I put the LS and then add water and throw the salt in? That seems like it might kill the LS...but I don't know. However, that "plate idea" is great!!!! Very good idea if I'm able to use it.
Also, my wet/dry has a built in protein there a way to just take this out and still run the wet/dry? Should I just keep the skimmer off during the first week while everything is "settling"?


Maybe you should
1.Add Water
2.Add Salt
3.Mix the s*** out of it
4.Throw in the LS
5.Add the LR
At this point, your tank will be terribly ugly. But, you're going away for a while. It will all settle while you're gone.


New Member
Great...I can't thank you guys enough. This is a great board and I look forward to eventually contributing to the knowledge instead of just taking it :joy:


Active Member
Chicago the live sand from here isn't cured. I sent them an e-mail asking and they said they take it straight from the ocean floor and ship it to you making it not cured, but when your using it to cycle it doesn't really matter. The LR (if your getting the fiji stuff) is cured, but during the shipping process some die-off occurs, but die-off is good for cycling the tank!


New Member
Good Question F1shman...I would like to know that myself...Do I keep the skimmer off until I'm ready to add livestock?


Active Member
you can turn it on after you cycle. You most likely wont get anything...But it will aearate the water..


New Member
I'm getting everything set up now and **hope** to fill with water before bed. One thing I'm not clear on is if I can "turn off" the skimmer. I have the Cyclone CY192 wet/dry with built in protein skimmer. Is it possible to disconnect the skimmer? I have everything connected now through the wet/dry, and once I get water in there I can test everything.
FYI, you have to be an expert to understand the CY192 directions...I still don't know if its hooked up right. I guess I'll find out soon :D