Setting up the perfect quarentine tank?


I am currently setting up a old 10 gallon tank and turning it into a quarantine/hospital tank. How should I go about this? Should I put sand and rock in it? If I use it for a hospital and add medication, long long should I wait before I use it as a quarantine again? I'm new to QT tanks so any kind of help would be appreciated! Thanks!


Doing the same thing myself for the first time, so im not an expert here...
If you plan on the posibility of using meds, then dont put live rock or live sand in there. Meds and or salinity changes will probably kill everything in there anyway.
I am doing bare bottom, but painted the back, boths sides, and bottom of the tank, to cut down on bright light, and reflection (hopefully).
Adding a large PVC elbow for fish to hide in.
Point of the tank if for everything to be inert, no reactive to medications, and ability to clean/steralize after you are dont using it.
I have a Korilla nano, HOB filter, and heater in mine. I have heard you can buy cheap gravel if you want, but dont reuse it from fish to fish.
After using it once, since everything in there was intert (plastic probably) it can be cleaned up (bleach, just wash that off of everthing very well), and used right after again.