Setting Up


From all that I have been reading here the last couple days this cycling process takes some time. And thats what I have. Do you need lights and filters going during the cycling process? Or can I get that (cycling) started before I get enough money saved up to purchase the filter and lights?


I was afraid you was going to say that those dang things are expensive. Like $329. with bulbs. no legs for though, you know anywhere cheaper?


what size is your tank and what types of corals are you wanting to keep? also do you have an a canopy on the tank already?
what I am doing on a 30 gallon tank is a DIY power comapct setup bought the ballasts and bulbs online and building a canopy to house them in. total cost of $156.00 for 110watt of light if you buy premade lights and fixtures you pay for someone else to make it all but if you are handy with a saw you can save a lot of money..


55gal long. No canopy yet was looking into JBJ Formosa Deluxe - 1200 60 watt. However, I am handy with a saw and like saving money (above the LFS quoted $330.) Can I get the links to where you purchased the fixures for canopy. Just beginner coral, live rock, feather dusters , anomey.


anemones need a stronger light not sure if you need pc's or a stronger light for them I would check into it before you get lights though.. I have been ordering from and am very satisfied with what I have gotten form them but anywhere that sells lights online has a DIY parts and asscessories page and that where you can find the different components to put together for lights.
the unit that you are talking about is it a total of 60watts if so thats not a lot of light going into the tank. I think a loose rule of thunb 4 to 7 watts per gallon but you have to look at intensity also.
as far as anemones alot of people belive that they are better left in the ocean instead of the home aquaria they need some speacial care and requirements. do some research on them before decideing to get one. most of them will get huge as well so you have to look at the space requirments of them before place in a narrower tank. and can sting other corals they come in contact with.
Hope this helps and maybe someone else can elaborate on it alittle bit more than I can.