Setup info

d wulf

New Member
First post
I am thinking of setting up a reef tank, I can get a 180 gallon tank with light and stand. Is there a guide for setup somewhre here or a link?
Is a 180 to big to start with?
I had salt tank fish only in the 70's 40 breeder and 55 looks like alot has changed since then.
Thanks for any help,


Active Member
Hey David, Welcome to the forum.

What you are asking is way too much for someone to type up. Fortunately somebody already has. There is also some more info in these threads. Lion Crazz wrote this up as well, he is one of the mods(or sharks) here. He also did this one.
So as you can see there is an incredible amount of info for you to read. Put your feet up, open your favorite beverage and keep going until your head hurts.



Active Member
welcome back into the hobby!!! and welcome to this site!!! you will find any answers you are looking for!!! just go around in the new hobbyists section there are a bunch of stickied really helpful threads.
A 180 is not too big to start with! just make sure you will have enough money to put into it. Also you dont just have to go buy everything right away, patience is good and will give your tank more time to cycle/ establish etc.
What do you plan on making it? A fish only? reef? aggressive? etc etc?
What fish are you planning on?
What equipment?
Basically all you do is set it up where the water isnt going to leak all over the place, make sure the tank is level. Then you can fill it up with water, make sure to have some power heads, a heater, and a skimmer, If your going reef i would get a refugium. Add the salt. Then save up money for the rock and sand if you dont have enough. Get the rock first, then hopefully shortly after get the sand. then let the tank cycle, for starters you will need test kits, like ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, ph, calcium and magnesium and alkalinity if you plan on going reef, also a refractometer. Then after a couple weeks to a couple months(however long your cycle takes) you can add your first fish and part of your clean up crew and see how things go. This is when you can do your first water change too. Then you can add more things to it, as long as everything does well. (wait a week or 2)
Any other questions just ask


yeah read read and read i did for like months before i put up my first tank the more u read old post and such the less problems u will run into. sounds kinda lame but u really can and do learn from other peoples mistakes. my 2 cents spend the most money first buy the best lights and skimmers TRUST ME if u go cheep you will just have to buy them later and it will cost more in time and problems.


Active Member
Welcome and good luck! Read read read is the most important thing and try to learn from all the others on here. They are very helpful. As you get questions, post them here and you should get many (different) answers.
Start by giving some details of the new tank.
and pictures always make help much easier to give.


Wecome aboard! FYI I started with a 210. Read, read, READ! There are plenty of newer books out there. ON line or at the library confine searches to Reefkeeping/Marine Aquariums/ 2000 or newer copywright. I found the newer books to be written for ease of reading and gleaning information. The hobby has changed alot and the new equipment and ideas really help one to suceed. SO ditto to Scott's reply - favorite chair, beverage, and crack a book or two and you will be on your way to a legal addiction!



Active Member
I am in the middle of reading marine chemistry by christopher brightwell. very informative so far and lots of the questions I was asking myself about why one thing affects this or that is answered in it. welcome back to the hobby and I too started saltwater with a 210. I also made mistakes of buying equipment because the price was good and now I find myself spending more money to change what I did