setup pics...last 2.5 months


here is the setup as of today. 2.5 months worth of work, but here it is.
115g glass
Oak stand, canopy
2-350 mags (One pro, one deluxe)
4 370gph heads
Prizm pro deluxe
cpr dual
120/140? lbs LS
150lbs LR
All specs good and monitoring daily for a couple more weeks
QT Tank
80lbs LS
40-60lbs base rock
damsel, CC Star....I have it set up in spare room and still try to make it look good.
Skilter 400 or 600...dont' know, but it does the job that I need it for for the QT
Adding first fish in a couple of days.



The 115g has been a work in progress for 2.5 months. The qt tank...that's just an OLD sw tank that I gave my brother a couple of years ago before I had to hit the sand. Nothing was really kept in it cause he never really did much w/ it. lol. Now, I'm trying to show him how much fun a nice tank will do. It's a work that has been and will be a constant work in progress. Setting up a new tank was the Second thing I thought about after coming back to the states, first was going to grad school.....
Any suggestions would be great. I am getting about 80lbs of Carib LR and 25lbs Tonga sometime in the next day or so. Trading a tv for it. lol. Yea, I've got the fish fever again. If I knew I could get away w/ it, I'd sell my.....well,


Active Member
The rock is'nt resting on the back glass is it? If so,I would recommend moving it off the glass....leave a trough back there for fish to swim and for better flow.
Anything you can do to lift the rock up and open it up with caves and such will help with flow.I like to put a couple rocks like this _ _ then put a rock over the two of those to form a shelf .Two islands with a swimming place in the middle would look cool too.Anything to get away from the rock wall look would look good IMO.Whatever you decide...keep up the good work...and stick with the patience you are showing!


Thank you for your responses. I do not have the rock set up on the back. it's closer to the mid. I have rearranged the rock to create creaves and caves. Some of the rocks are natural arches so I used this to my advantage. The bigger rocks I stuck on the buttom. I will take a little more detailed pics of the setup.
Thank you again. any advice, critisism (constructual lol), and what not is greatly appreciated.


well, I rearranged some, and got a little more rock. This time, I got about 20lbs of tonga and 50lbs of carribean. Will post pics soon.


Couple more pics. Like i said, there are some beautiful rocks, of course in my opinion. The 55g is the qt, thinking of making it aggressive though.
