Setup question


how big is the tank, some people with large tanks like to put the big chunks of live rock in and then support the rock by adding the sand;
i would add sand first to though because you really dont want to be pouring the sand all over the LR


New Member
This is how it was explained to me. You paid for the tank. Think of it this way, if you add the rock first, then the hard, often times sharp rock is in direct contact with the tank, possibly putting stress on the glass or acrylic. Try to add some sand to for a shallow bed, then put your rock in on top of it, then add whatever additional sand you want. This will help to cushion the bottom surface of the glass as well as giving you support for your rock. But of course, when it all boils down, your tank, your choice, just be willing to stick to your guns. LOL.


Active Member
Aquariums are built to hold the weight of rock and sand and water....I have never heard of the bottom pane breaking from rock resting on it....
Rock resting on sand will end up on the glass one way or another..It will slowly fall/sink through over time and can shift and cause higher rocks to fall and tumble, sand stiring fish or inverts can all so under mind the sand causeing the same thing to happen and maybe kill or injure the animal...