several questions


I have a 55 gallon 10 months
1 Porcupine puffer 5-6 inches
2 clown fish
1 yellow damsel
1 lemmon peel angel
45 lbs live rock
2 whisher filters
2 power heads
ug filter
50/50 atinic blue
I just got a new fluval 304 filter and added my 3 stripe damsle from my 10 gallon ( i felt bad he was all by himself upstairs). Everyone seems to be getting along fine. The reason I got the new filter was for 2 reason.
1. to add more fish
2. to get rid of phosphates to slow algae growth on my lr
Does anyone have any suggestions on how to do this, i recently cut back on my lighting time to about 11 hrs.
I also want to add a regal tang, do you think it would be ok?
What else could I add to my tank? seems like my puffer eats all my snails and anonmes....:) I wold also like to add more fish any ideas, and do you think the 3 stripe will mess with my other fish?
Do you think I should keep my whisper filters going with the new fluval in place, and is there such a ting as over filteration?


Puffer has already grown very big, and yes is a messy eater, do you really thing he will grow much bigger or will the tank limit his size? If i wanted to take out the ug filter could i just put the lr in a bucket on one side and do one side at a time. If puffer has not ate the angel or the clown up to this point do you think he will later?
i think keeping a fish with the potential of getting huge in a small tank to try to stunt its growth is cruel. even if it worked and the fish stayed small, do you think this is fair? also, i watched my porcupine eat two clown fish, so my answer to your question would be yes.


Well I game my baby (puffer) back to the lfs today it about killed me, i took home a dwarf lion fish, can anyone tell me anything about him, puffer ate my new little baby clown and my 3 stripe last night so i had to get rid of my 9 month old pet, I also brought home an anonemoe, anyways now i have
2 clowns
1 yellow damsel
1 lemmon peel angle
1 dwarf lion fish
1 anonme
all i want to get now is a regal tang....
i recently got a new fluval canister and i have 2 whisper filters, is ther such thing as over filter?
I took out my underground filter today.....what a mess!!!! thanks for the good advice, i evetually want to switch to live sand, any thoughts???
How do i control algae (grass) growth on my lr???
I cut back my lighting hours , does anyone know what is the optimal hours of lighting???? what else can i do to stop this overgrowth??im hoping the phopersus filter i put on will help, any other ideas??


How can I add more than one pic at a time?
Anyways I just got throught redoing my tank tonight, comapre it to the last pic..i think it looks pretty good what do you think???I got rid of most of my algae scrubbing it with a toothbrush,I hope id did not harm the live rock, does anyone know much about a dwarf lion, he hasnt done much all night just hanging out on the bottom? more pics soon

chef jaysen

Brad I must say you are killing me. Let me get this right, you had a fish in the wrong enviroment at home because you didnt study up on it and traded it in on another fish and anemone that you again didnt study up on. Before you do anything else ask questions and study up. You will save yourself a ton on money and time and headaches.
First question is what lighting do you have. 50/50 what wattage and length. Anemones need alot of light.
Although I dont know alot about agressive set ups I believe the lion fish is similar to the puffer. But others will reply to that.
Excess algae can be controled by crabs and snails. Abunch.
Just keep asking questions before you buy.
It will help....good luck


Active Member
Boy where to begin....First of all save yourself and regal a favor and DO NOT GET A REGAL TANG! JWT already said this. Please listen. In fact a tang at this point will not do since you are already beyond capacity with the lion. I would not have gotten a lion after giving back the puffer but that's me. Your lighting falls way short of what's needed for an anenome. I'd take him back along with the lion and get a flame hawk and royal gramma and call it a day. Who is giving you advice? Is it the LFS? If so go somewhere else. ALso take everyones advice and more before you continue.


Whats the problem with the lighing? how can i improve it ???48 inch...would i have to buy new hoods..or do they make better bulbs??