several things in tank are splitting


this morning i looked in my tank before the lights came on, every thing looked fine. then when the lights came on i noticed my large rose tip anemone splitting, then i noticed my large hairy leather splitting ,and my hairy mushroom, and my rock anemone splitting. so my question is, why are they all splitting at the same time, and is this normal ? all my water preameters are reading normal. and my next question is when they finish splitting do they develope a whole new idintity, like a single cell, does the anemones get new mouthes so i can feed them? ok , maybe these might be dumb question, but i have never had this happen before, does this only happen at certian times of the year? my tank has been up and running for over three years, and this has never ever happened. and is this a good thing or is this bad ? can anyone help me on this please ?
as i sit here i can see my rosetip anemone splitting, very quickly, it is very wierd.


Splitting is a sign that they are reproducing. Pretty good sign as far as I know. I know that is how mushrooms reproduce, I think anenomes, but I don't know about the leather probably.


Simple answer is that your tank is a healthy environment for its inhabitants. Anemones will split and can split fairly often.
As for leathers, I've had them split before. Typically, this is a fairly slow process compared to anemones.
The health and growth are shown in a variety of ways. Unless you perceive a problem, I'd keep doing whatever you're doing.


thanks guys, i appreciate your help:) i was just courious though, i guess the anemones will eventualy get a mouth on them sooner or later. i wish i had a vidio cam, because i'm watching the rosetip pulling away from the part she has split from. this is so awsome :eek: WOW; i feel:nervous: it's like getting new anemones and not having to pay out the yang yang.
if anyone else has any input on this, please feel free to share.


About 5 years ago, I had a rose bulb anemone that split and split and split. I gave them to friends and other hobbyists.
Unfortunately, about 2 years later, due to a massive home renovation and relocation of the tank, I was forced to take it down for a few months.
Well, to make a long story short, my friend recently offered me the pick of his rose bulb offspring. I figure that from my initial bulb, there are dozens of offspring in my area.
Pretty cool if you think about it.


Active Member
yeah id be very happy, not worried.. just think.. now you will have 2 of alot of the stuff in your tank.. and you didnt have to buy em.. ive never seen anything split, and i cant wait till the day that i get to :)


:joy: i am so happy for you and your splitting creatures. i have enclosed a kinda old pic of my anenomes spliting. in the pic there is about 6 of them but i currently have about 10 of them . all clustered together. very good sign. if you would like them to move i am being told put a power head in front of them and they will more around. take care



what kind of rock do you have in your tank I would like to know what makes a better tank than others and the rock seems to be a good start good luck


Active Member
thats awsome!! iw ould love to get an anenome... have it split like 50 times, then rack in the millions at my LFS.... of course...... i would jsut spend it all on my tanks anyways. hahaha


The rock comes from * * * Illegal Link * * * he is one of best places to get very nice rock for very cheap prices. Plus he lets our club * * * Illegal Link * * * have tours there and get first hand picks on alot of stuff. The sand is one of the top questions i am always asked. I think i am one of a few that have it. It is a blend of different colors of MARINE SAND. the sand comes in 5 lbs bags, and i send about a month loaded it up with little creatures from the refuguim before it makes it to the tank. you can take alook ot my tank in full size at a post on this forums. just do a search under my user name. thanx again

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