Sexing Shrimp


for most shrimps as long as you have two then both of them will have eggs. I know for fact on my skunk and peppermint. its can be both male & female


Active Member
more or less, in Lysmata wurdemanni at least, when it is in the soft fleshy stage of molting, then it is considered a female, since that is the only time it can concieve, throught the rest of the cycle, till the next molt, it is considered male. This may be true for other Lysmata, or even other genuses, but i don't know either way.


This is very interesting. I just read a report about this topic and found that although the shrimp will become female it retains the male reproductive organs (intack) and is able to mate/fertalize the eggs of another female. Wow both male and female in one body.


Active Member
Originally we had a cleaner shrimp........Then we added another. The original was in the tank about 6 months all by itself. The new addition had a greenish colored underbelly, and was loaded with eggs, so there wa no doubt it was a egg carrying female. ABout 2 weeks later we had the opportunity to see that shrimp fan off her looked like a snowstorm, and what was really neat she seemed to be standing on her head, while she wsa flipping her eggs off. The moon lights were on and it looked like a snow storm. Of course this action of spawning brought out all the other fish and they all had a good feast of fresh shrimp that night. Within 2 or 3 weeks both of the cleaner shrimp were now green with more eggs, so from what I have been told, all it takes is any two shrimp of same species and they will both breed and become preg.

bang guy

Originally Posted by CELACANTHr
more or less, in Lysmata wurdemanni at least, when it is in the soft fleshy stage of molting, then it is considered a female, since that is the only time it can concieve, throught the rest of the cycle, till the next molt, it is considered male. This may be true for other Lysmata, or even other genuses, but i don't know either way.
It's true for all Lysmata sp.

bang guy

Originally Posted by reefdweler
Thanks a bunch for the info about the shrimp Bang Guy. Once again you the man..
Actually it was CELACANTHr.


You know uor right, sorry bout that. Thank you both for the wonderful information. It is very pleasing and encouraging to have a place like this to come and ask questions and learn. Thanks a bunch guy's